I'm having problems with my account and it's causing me a lot of grief


New member
Hello, I am a deadlock player from the Chinese community, and I have been using Steam for 5 years and have never been banned.I am certain I have not used plug-in software to affect the game balance,My steam code is 919144556,Please unban me. I really want to participate in Valve's new game beta testing.
My account has always maintained an excellent reputation and never u played illegal games, so I think this ban on my account may be the result of some misunderstanding, I just received a beta invite today, and entering the game is the status of being banned, which surely doesn't make sense.
Friend, invite trees get banned.
"- Accounts that are banned for cheating will now have all their invited accounts banned as well"

I feel for you but it seems you were invited by a hacker or something? Did you buy an invite? If you bought an invite it wouldn't surprise me that the inviter got banned for cheating. Maybe you could help Valve by explaining who invited you.
如果你被一个因作弊而被封禁的人邀请,你也会被封禁。我不知道 Valve 是否会改变这个系统,但目前就是这样运作的。
Friend, invite trees get banned.
"- Accounts that are banned for cheating will now have all their invited accounts banned as well"

I feel for you but it seems you were invited by a hacker or something? Did you buy an invite? If you bought an invite it wouldn't surprise me that the inviter got banned for cheating. Maybe you could help Valve by explaining who invited you.
I'm not sure, an invite from a stranger to me, I meant to play the beta version of the game, to be able to get an idea of what the game is about and to help the developers optimize it. But my account was banned, which confused me. I'm a legitimate gamer myself.
I'm not sure, an invite from a stranger to me, I meant to play the beta version of the game, to be able to get an idea of what the game is about and to help the developers optimize it. But my account was banned, which confused me. I'm a legitimate gamer myself.
那可能就是原因了。那个陌生人可能因为作弊被封禁了。我不确定,但也许他们会因为出售访问权限而封禁某人?我不清楚中国的 Steam 是如何运作的,因为我的中国朋友都是在美国的学生,但我会避免任何出售访问权限的人,并尝试通过可信赖的来源获取访问权限。我为你感到难过,但目前的系统似乎是为了社区和开发者的利益而设置的。想象一下,如果作弊者可以通过不断邀请自己重新进入游戏,那会是什么样子。
I think they will unblock normal accounts, after all, some accounts have good reputations and shouldn't be banned
I think they will unblock normal accounts, after all, some accounts have good reputations and shouldn't be banned
Maybe. It's worth saying, however, that the most important thing is Valve having a clean playtest. That way we all have a great game to play on release. If the dev build is compromised by cheating it makes sense to aggressively prune any sources of it, that way the data collected is high quality.

I have no idea if you'll be unbanned or not. I have empathy for you, to be clear, but I also completely understand Valve's rationale here.
Also if you look at the bug reports section you'll see a lot of bans. Whoever this was that got banned, and caused a bunch of other users to be banned, clearly invited a lot of people. It's weird too how so many of the posts claim the same story "some hacker used my pc for 2 minutes, but it wasn't me."

You might be part of a tainted tree. One which had a lot of accounts invited for the purpose of cheating.
Oh also I have no affiliation with Valve. I'm just stating information that I'm aware of or speculating about. I'm assuming some guy got banned and his invite tree was affected -- I don't know it, just assume it.