In case you don't know, in Dota, there is an item called the Aghanim's Scepter, it is an item that is a little expensive, and any hero can buy. The item grants you a unique new or upgraded ability, and it is differnet for every hero! I love what the dota team was able to accomplish with all the fun and crazy Aghanim's Scepter upgrades.
It makes me think of how the Deadlock team can unlock these heroes to be just as crazy with a similar item. I made up my own ideas for this type of item for every hero, some are hits, some are misses, but my goal was just to find a fun/cool idea!
I want to know what sort of things you wish your favorite hero could do, let me know how an Aghanim's Scepter type item would help you do that!
Abrams: Head Scratcher
Bebop: Miss Shelly’s Pies
Dynamo: Pop Quiz
Grey Talon: Trained Owl
Haze: Whistleblower
Infernus: Mixologus
Ivy: Feels Like Home
Kelvin: The Things
Lady Geist: Beauty Pains
Lash: Bar Brawl
Mcginnis: Mini Minions
Mo and Krill: Waste Management
Paradox: Bag of Sand
Pocket: Pack It Up
Seven: Deadly Sins
Vindicta: Quick Kill
Warden: Corporal Punishment
Wraith: Luck of the Draw
Yamato: Family Ties
It makes me think of how the Deadlock team can unlock these heroes to be just as crazy with a similar item. I made up my own ideas for this type of item for every hero, some are hits, some are misses, but my goal was just to find a fun/cool idea!
I want to know what sort of things you wish your favorite hero could do, let me know how an Aghanim's Scepter type item would help you do that!
Abrams: Head Scratcher
- Abram’s horns grow, making them much more effective for his melee attacks and do more damage. Strong melee attacks that land lift the enemy up in the air
Bebop: Miss Shelly’s Pies
- During Bebop’s ult, pies periodically launch out, dealing splash damage, slowing, and making the enemy look delicious.
Dynamo: Pop Quiz
- Dynamo has a second gravitational pull during Singularity. This gravitational pull is MUCH larger than singularity’s, but does not affect heroes. Any containers that are affected by this gravitational pull get sucked in/destroyed . Any pickups that come from the container always apply to Dynamo
Grey Talon: Trained Owl
- Grey Talon has trained his spirit owl to grow thumbs, Guided Owl can now use Grey Talon’s Charged Shot ability with a shorter cooldown and less damage.
Haze: Whistleblower
- Fixation now has an active component. Haze can disguise herself as a prop or lane creep. After she reveals herself, she has increased weapon damage. Enemies that shoot her as the prop or lane creep reveals her true self.
Infernus: Mixologus
- Concussive Combustion has a smaller AOE, but the combustion explosion moves in the direction infernus is moving, dealing damage and stunning those in the path.
Ivy: Feels Like Home
- Ivy has increased health regen, fire rate, and reload speed while on rooftops.
Kelvin: The Things
- When Kelvin uses his ult, ice zombies of his old crew surround the outside of the shield, attacking any foe on the outside
Lady Geist: Beauty Pains
- High health regen bonus. When using stamina, drain health instead of stamina.
Lash: Bar Brawl
- A 5 v 1 fight for Lash is a favorable one. Lash gains a stack for every enemy hero that has dealt damage to him. Each stacks gives Lash a melee damage multiplier and weapon sheild. Stacks last for 30 seconds.
Mcginnis: Mini Minions
- When one of Mcginnis’ turrets take lethal damage, they gain an invulnerability shield for 5 seconds, they will grow legs and start running towards the nearest enemy, self destructing and dealing aoe spirit damage at the end
Mo and Krill: Waste Management
- Mo and krill can do their dirty work underground. They can use all of their spells while in Burrow.
Paradox: Bag of Sand
- This item is an active item for Paradox.. When Paradox uses Paradoxical Swap, This item swaps places with a random active item of the target. The swapped item does not share a cooldown with the target’s version. The items switch back after 3 seconds. This item cannot be sold by the target.
Pocket: Pack It Up
- Enchanter’s Satchel grows legs, and Pocket can move around and dash during its duration. Any other action ends enchanter’s satchel like usual.
Seven: Deadly Sins
- “I’m going to do to you, what you did to me, but harder” Seven deals extra weapon or spirit damage, depending on which one he has taken more damage of this game. If it is weapon damage, His ult deals weapon damage.
Vindicta: Quick Kill
- Assassinate has a much lower cooldown, and high bonus headshot damage. Assassinate damage rapidly decreases the longer Vindicta looks down the scope.
Warden: Corporal Punishment
- During Warden’s ult, Warden has no move speed penalty during melee attacks, increased movespeed from successful melee attacks, and is constantly in a parry state.
Wraith: Luck of the Draw
- +1 Royal Flush card. Wraith goes all in with her own life. Every Royal Flush card is either a 10-Ace or Joker card. If Wraith gets a poker hand with the ability, each card in that hand will give an effect, along with the normal effect.
- Heart > health back
- Diamond> get souls
- Club> spirit damage increase
- Spade> random spell cooldown reduction
- 10, jack, queen, king, ace = need a poker hand in order to receive the bonus of the suit.
- Joker = does nothing except the normal Royal Flush damage, if all cards are jokers, Wraith dies
Yamato: Family Ties
- For every slash of Yamato’s sword, after a small delay, a familiar of Yamato’s brother joins her in battle, and slashes the enemy with spirit damage based on Yamato’s melee damage.