Ideas to balance out assists and incentivise playing supports alittle more.


New member
As of right now assists barelly give any money off kills. I have a friend who plays kelvin. Fantastic support but doesnt get kills but assists in slowing, and healing the dps and allowing kills to occur for the dps. Yet they are always farming to get upgrades and need help farming becuase they are always behind, low on money becuase the kill gets the most money. (for example 40 min game they played ivy with 40 assists yet bottom fragged money becuase they couldnt secure the kills or were out dpsed becuase the money desparity due to assists.) Maybe theres a way to give more money to the assistee. The issue with assist giving little money is it de-incentivises players to use weaker more assist heavy characters (ivy dynamo kelvin viscous) instead of heavy hitting dps (wraith, vindicta, warden, shiv, etc.). This causes characters like vindicta for example to shoot up in money crazy fast stealing 1hp kills yet the one who did most the work or the assist gets barelly anything. This makes it so characters that are straight dps are just played more. Just an opinion sorry if this isnt the right spot for it.