I feel like I'm getting worse, and I'm not sure why.


New member
So I haven't been playing long, about 6 days and it feels like I'm actively getting worse at the game or just extremely inconsistent and I'm not really sure why this is happening. And I'm wanting to know why or how I can improve or is this something to do with the current MMR system?

I know as a player I am wildly inconsistent in terms of performance, I'm not a great player either, it is just something I wish to enjoy and like testing myself against real people and it doesn't make sense to me how I can go from one game that is 16/4/22 and then to another a day later that is 1/11/14, then back to 11/0/2. I've essentially picked up builds made by other people. I have games where I do ok, and some where I just seem to completely flounder. I'm not trying to throw or anything half the time I die it's me trying to join and try and help in a team fight and being instantly swapped to and killed.

Screenshot 2024-09-05 183522.png
Some deaths I couldn't do much about like one today with Ivy where I was killed because my stoneform/net lagged out and I instantly died because I was stuck in animation.
I've tried to be less aggressive so I can deny more more and feed a little less but it doesn't seem to be working for me.
Even though I won that last game as McGinnis it was really rough, I was in a lane against a Bebop, I managed to kill him first once, but not enough time to kill the guardian, and I can hold Guardians for a long time, of just laning but when I ping for help twice because someone from another lane comes to help, nobody comes. There was a certain point where it was a 3v1 which is when I finally lost the guardian completely between Yamato, Haze and Bebop at about 15 minutes (which at that point all the other team guardians were destroyed and nobody ever came to help until our guardian was destroyed). I didn't destroy their Guardian until 20 minutes in because everyone was finally gone long enough to push it down.

Screenshot 2024-09-05 183603.png
I'm not exactly sure how the MMR system works, but i believe the more you win with one hero, the tougher opponents it puts you against in laning.

I think the main reason why you feel like your performance is inconsistent is that this game is in early development, and is currently very unbalanced. If you go to deadlocktracker.gg, you can look at some statistics. I have also noticed there are some pretty strong counters between characters.

Obviously you can't do much against 3 people alone if your team doesn't help you out, so no need to beat yourself up about that.
The important part is to give feedback so if you feel like something is consistently not working, let the devs know through the private feedback categories on this forum.
Are you sure you are playing on right server?

Press F7 in game and type citadel_region_override (number)
  • -1: Auto
  • 0: North America
  • 1: Europe
  • 2: Asia
  • 3: South America
  • 4: Europe (not sure if this is different from 1)
  • 5: Oceania
With such ping game is obviously unplayable.
Are you sure you are playing on right server?

Press F7 in game and type citadel_region_override (number)
  • -1: Auto
  • 0: North America
  • 1: Europe
  • 2: Asia
  • 3: South America
  • 4: Europe (not sure if this is different from 1)
  • 5: Oceania
With such ping game is obviously unplayable.
I'm in Singapore, so it has set me to Asia. Sometimes I get 6ms, most of the time it's 30ms with bad spikes, and others I get like 80-90ms
It seems as the MMR is a work in progress there is a pretty wide range in matchmaking which makes sense from a development perspective.

The value the devs get out of this big beta is the huge firehose of data from matches and the more matches the more data. So it's more important for games to run (i.e. quick matchmaking) than for fair games to run at the moment. I wouldn't read much into your performance because of this. Also, balance is all over the place right now and new heroes and new balance changes can wildly swing things right now.

I'd just focus on learning the game, working in your mechanical skill, and have fun.

Competitive play will come when MMR is ready and the heroe pool is more set and mature. Until then it is a casual game.