Hitman's Contract: Randomly Targeted Snowball Item!


New member
Hitman's Contract

1250 or 3000 item

Category: Spirit

Stats could be Move Speed, Spirit Power, and Health Regen? I want it to have no defensive stats.

Upon purchase, a random enemy hero is targeted. If you kill or get an assist on the targeted enemy, Hitman's Contract gains x Spirit Power.
If the contract is completed, another enemy hero who hasn't been selected is chosen 30 seconds later, repeat until each enemy hero has been killed once.

Scaling rate would be something like 1/2/3/5/8/10 (not actual stat just example), increasing slowly with the first kills then larger with the later.

The hero would be notified they were being targeted with a sound effect/voice line/ui element.

The item would be below rate until ~4 kills are achieved. I want this to be a risky item to buy unless you are confident, and you have to be sufficiently punished for being too cocky. This would hopefully make it an item you have to make a tempo call on purchasing, and not just autopilot buy it every game on any hero.

I'm leaning towards spirit power as weapon already has a lot of unique/fun items with the focus on headshot/sustained shot/melee, this could add a unique choice for spirit focused heroes who don't want to just buy general stat items.

I think a snowballing item like this could be very fun to play with in the game and would add another focus dynamic for both the hunted and hunter.

Let me know what you think!
High snowball potential and low fallout. It will be that one item that people buy against newbies and never touch in high ranks or pro plays(which is not existing right now). Also people are not going to magically protect you from hitman, they will still proceed with default gameplay, its just a 5 random people with you in a team, that dont care if you feed too much, but if your feed causes hitman to snowball(4th kill in your example), you are going to be scapegoat. Also cheaters are gonna love that for suuuuure. There shouldnt be goblin stacks or high snowball risk items. Game is not ready and its not really fun to play against. As it changes your whole team gameplay just for one hero or item. But there 5 more of heroes and much more of items to be aware of.