Hi, there is some bugs.


New member
1. Our line dropped a creep in a capsule. Enemy creeps stopped and attacked the capsule, but could not break it. After a few minutes, she either disappeared or was broken by the heroes.

ID: 229529 Time: Unknown ~13:00

2. After killing the boss in the center of the map, the enemies took the crystal, but it did not visually disappear.

ID: 229529 Time: 18:39

3. For some reason, on the line to the right of the base, our creeps were stuck in some corner. Enemy creeps did not reach them, since they were behind a transparent door. We couldn't influence the stuck creeps in any way.
Because of this, our creeps in the lane on the right simply did not spawn.

ID: 226787 Time: Unknown ~the end of match
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