Hero specific hot keys still broken


New member
Played a game as lady geist with custom hotkeys, worked fine. went into the next game, couldnt move. Was able to interact with the menus and whatnot, could cast spells, but could not move or fire. using my 1 grenade would enable it but pressing the fire button would not throw it. Tried turning off hero specific hotkeys and back on and a variety of different things to see if it would fix things and it would not. Even went into the sandbox after abandoning the match and tried to get things to work and it wouldn't.
You need to either press "Reset to Default" on Lady Geist, or you need to go through Lady Geist's keybinds and re-input them for everything. So for example on her keybinds, it will say W for forward. You need to select it and assign it to W again anyway. And repeat for every binding.

(Duplicate of Yamato cannot move or shoot after patch)
This bug is super annoying, the solution of resetting to default wouldn't work for me, so I had to go through all 4 characters I play and redo the bindings one by one. If it happens again, I'm just not playing til its patched.
Just happened to me during a game! Thought it was an exploit and made a post about it.

Resetting bindings for me would be a pain since I have very exotic bindings (using Colemak and SpaceGHJ as movement), setting them up every time would be a huge time waste.

Hope I won't get banned from the game since I stayed afk in base unable to do anything the whole time while my team cussed at me!