Hero model stuck in the main menu


New member
On 2 occasions (out of probably ~20, which would roughly equal to 1/10 occurrence), upon exiting from the Hero Sandbox to the main menu a full-sized Dynamo hero model appeared front and center, overlapping the background animated image. This is not expected, is it?
As a matter of fact, on both of those occasions the hero in the Hero Sandbox mode was not Dynamo.

These also (intentionally) appear while you queue for a game, showing the characters you've selected to queue with. Were you sandboxing with Dynamo?
This can be replicated with any hero with the following steps:
  1. Enter game.
  2. Select Play.
  3. Select Play Deadlock, choosing three heroes.
  4. Wait for queue to place you into a match. There is briefly an image of one of the heroes that was selected.
  5. Complete the match without exiting and re-entering.
  6. Once kicked to the main menu, select Heroes.
  7. Select any hero.
  8. Select Enter Sandbox.
  9. Leave Sandbox using Leave Sandbox from Escape menu.
  10. The hero from Step 4 is on the screen behind the splash image of the hero selected.
End results:
double mo.PNG

If done in this way, the doubled image only persists until one backs out to the main menu from Heroes. To get it to stick on the main menu screen, one must instead enter the Sandbox through Play ->Sandbox Mode, which has the following result regardless of hero picked:
mo mainscreen.PNG