Yeah sorry whyy ? i entered my first hero lab ever. [ match id does not exists ... ]
Before i started -> read all new heroes abilities - felt they are a bit (extremly) unfair.
Decided, ok let's see how it will be.... eventually i leave + will give my input here.
So here is my input:
Ban .... like ... rly ? Ok Volvo, whatever.... xD doesn't rly matter.
Game immidietly felt unfair and unbalanced.
To the point
So i was agaist that Calico as Ivy.
Decided to go as DPS ivy as it's my favourite and i'm able to hold lane pretty much, vs all other champions, fairly strong.
And... as my expections were set - they were F met....
Sorry but if you release this Calico into game while not buffing Ivy i'm quite done with game....
Ivy need to use whole mag on first levels to get first minion... Cat statue require 1 and half of mag to it take out.
Thinking, ok.... Monster rounds will do the Trick. Guess what . ...
DDD ... Big D in my A 
So as far as i understood this Calico is light melee Abrams with full zone control....
Soooo Lane was shoved immidietly i had no HP even with huge regen and Guardian did always nothing to Calico.
Reached 7k decided that nope too much unbalanced. (She was 5k - so yeah definetly game is winnable)
But i was there to test hero not game.... so moving back to Ban for leaving - also unfair.
Yep ... i mean.... there is a lack of heroes i do agree but ... by my honest opnion please create heroes in a way that they will need buff instead of nerfs.
Before i started -> read all new heroes abilities - felt they are a bit (extremly) unfair.
Decided, ok let's see how it will be.... eventually i leave + will give my input here.
So here is my input:
Ban .... like ... rly ? Ok Volvo, whatever.... xD doesn't rly matter.
Game immidietly felt unfair and unbalanced.
To the point
So i was agaist that Calico as Ivy.
Decided to go as DPS ivy as it's my favourite and i'm able to hold lane pretty much, vs all other champions, fairly strong.
And... as my expections were set - they were F met....
Sorry but if you release this Calico into game while not buffing Ivy i'm quite done with game....
Ivy need to use whole mag on first levels to get first minion... Cat statue require 1 and half of mag to it take out.
Thinking, ok.... Monster rounds will do the Trick. Guess what . ...

So as far as i understood this Calico is light melee Abrams with full zone control....
Soooo Lane was shoved immidietly i had no HP even with huge regen and Guardian did always nothing to Calico.
Reached 7k decided that nope too much unbalanced. (She was 5k - so yeah definetly game is winnable)
But i was there to test hero not game.... so moving back to Ban for leaving - also unfair.
Yep ... i mean.... there is a lack of heroes i do agree but ... by my honest opnion please create heroes in a way that they will need buff instead of nerfs.