Hero Idea - The Harvester


New member
The Harvester(Reaper / grim reaper / death):

Grim reaper like character that revolves around collecting soul orbs. Would be a chase-down assassin type character.
Generally just trying to lean into the currency. This would make 100x less sense if you guys decided to change to gold or something similar.
I'm not one with math when it comes to balancing, going to leave generic X's and Y's instead of raw #s as well as try to keep ideas generic


Gun / basic attacks:

The idea is he walks around with a scythe(no way Def, so innovative). left click slash attack that would shoot a generic projectile.


Ability 1: Sweeping Scythe

Slash in front of you - dealing (X) damage and collecting any souls in the area of damage. If a hero is killed within (Y) seconds of being hit by Sweeping Scythe it drops (X) additional soul orb(s) worth (X)% of normal value.

1 point – Increase damage by (X)

2 points – Extra orbs now give (X)% of normal soul orbs value (75? 80? 100?)

5 point - Additional orbs drops are increased by (X) per (Y) soul orbs collected by The Harvester.


Ability 2: Stalked by Death

The Harvester focuses a target, dealing (X)% more damage to that target and (X)% less damage to other heroes for (Y) seconds.(Probably keep the lowered damage to heroes, rather than creeps or guardians)

1 point - The Harvester can now track marked targets through walls while the debuff persists

2 points - The Harvester now does regular (non reduced) damage to non-marked targets

5 points - The Harvester may now re-activate Stalked by Death to teleport behind the target, when re-activated increases the cooldown by (X) (only allowed to target enemies in line of sight, cannot port through walls)


Ability 3: Your soul is mine (passive)

The Harvester gains passive (X) damage increase for the number of souls collected

1 point - The Harvester gains (X) additional health regeneration per (Y) souls collected
(toyed with this being raw health, but i can see that scaling him to a tankish type hero rather than the assassin. Health regen could keep him on the field longer after a successful assassinate)

2 points - Enemies hit by The Harvester that remain within (X) yards from him have stamina regen reduced by (Y)%

5 points - Your soul is mine becomes an activated ability. The Harvester steals (X) stamina from targets all within (Y) yards. (possible to have it limited to targets affected by Stalked by Death if a pure aoe steal is too much. Was just worried about 1 ability relying on another, especially with the 5 point cost)


Ultimate: Orcus, Hand of Thanatos

The Harvester holds their scythe high above their head. After a short delay The Harvester deals (X) damage to enemies in front of them (Small frontal cone) based on number of soul orbs collected. (I can see this being a single target ability as well, maybe keep it to only castable on people with Stalked by Death debuff?)

1 point - Enemies killed by Orcus, Hand of Thanatos have their soul orbs automatically collected with no delay.(IE unable to deny orbs from people killed by this ability)

2 points - Enemies hit by Orcus, Hand of Thanatos have movement speed reduced by (X)% for (Y) seconds.

5 points - If an enemy killed by Orcus, Hand of Thanatos is Stalked by Death, apply Stalked by Death to all other heroes within (X) yards of target(or X yards of The Harvester?).
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