New member
Inspired not just by the bustin’ film franchise, but also paranormal investigators found in TV shows like Ghost Hunters and Ghost Adventures, this is my idea for a ramshackle cooky inventor who runs around New York searching for the strange and paranormal. I don’t have a character name in mind yet, so I’ll be calling him just Ghost Hunter for now.

(Artwork is AI generated. All ideas other than artwork are my own)
The general idea was a character that requires a very low amount of aiming skill. Instead, the Ghost Hunter uses a lock on vacuum as his main weapon, and a variety of other supportive skills based on homemade radio gadgetry to assist his team and harass enemies.
LMB: Spirit Vacuum:
TF2 Medigun but in reverse
“My technology will banish every spirit!”
Stylistically similar to a Ghostbusters weapon or a Luigi’s mansion Pultergust, his left click only requires one click to lock on to a target, then does a slow damage over time as long as the target stays in range of Ghost Hunter. Mechanically, this should be very similar to TF2 Medic’s Medigun, but damaging targets instead of healing them. Clicking orbs will still be required, since the initial click on the orb would just start up the vacuum, do a single point of damage, then stop and require a new target to be locked on to.
1: Radio Blast
Long Range disruptive skill shot.
“Jamming Frequency!”
Ghost Hunter sends out a blast of radio waves that disrupts enemies. Enemies who are hit take some damage, and heroes who are hit have their existing cooldowns paused (or increased in length) for a few seconds.
This should fire out in a long range straight line, but with a low width, so only 1 hero can be hit by it.
Example upgrades include: +1 Charge, +X second enemy cooldown extension, Enemy is silenced on hit for X seconds.
2: Static Shield:
Defensive targeted ability for heroes, troopers, and bosses(towers)
“Tinfoil? Why would I bother?”
Ghost Hunter envelops an ally Hero or NPC in a static barrier, giving them a Spirit Shield and Bullet Evasion. If the Spirit shield is destroyed, the evasion is removed as well. Lasts for a short duration otherwise.
Example upgrades include: -X second cooldown, +X second duration, +X spirit shield health.
3: Frequency Detector:
Passive enemy detection system
“Is there anyone in the room with us now?”
Ghost hunter carries an EMF meter which detects nearby enemy heroes, even when they can’t be seen. When heroes are nearby, the meter glows (and maybe the rest of Ghost Hunter for visibility). May also provide passive debuff resistance.
Example upgrades include: +Debuff Resist, + Range, Ability may be activated to see enemies through walls.
4: Mystic Trap:
Large AOE damage and heal
“Behold, the latest in anti-ghost technology!”

Ghost Hunter places down his greatest invention, a box that releases large AoE damage and slows all nearby enemies. The box has its own health bar and can be destroyed. When the box is destroyed, or the effect expires, captured spirits float out of the box, healing nearby allies based on the damage that the Trap dealt.
Example upgrades include: +X Damage per pulse, -X second Cooldown, +X Trap Health.

(Artwork is AI generated. All ideas other than artwork are my own)
The general idea was a character that requires a very low amount of aiming skill. Instead, the Ghost Hunter uses a lock on vacuum as his main weapon, and a variety of other supportive skills based on homemade radio gadgetry to assist his team and harass enemies.
LMB: Spirit Vacuum:
TF2 Medigun but in reverse
“My technology will banish every spirit!”
Stylistically similar to a Ghostbusters weapon or a Luigi’s mansion Pultergust, his left click only requires one click to lock on to a target, then does a slow damage over time as long as the target stays in range of Ghost Hunter. Mechanically, this should be very similar to TF2 Medic’s Medigun, but damaging targets instead of healing them. Clicking orbs will still be required, since the initial click on the orb would just start up the vacuum, do a single point of damage, then stop and require a new target to be locked on to.
1: Radio Blast
Long Range disruptive skill shot.
“Jamming Frequency!”
Ghost Hunter sends out a blast of radio waves that disrupts enemies. Enemies who are hit take some damage, and heroes who are hit have their existing cooldowns paused (or increased in length) for a few seconds.
This should fire out in a long range straight line, but with a low width, so only 1 hero can be hit by it.
Example upgrades include: +1 Charge, +X second enemy cooldown extension, Enemy is silenced on hit for X seconds.
2: Static Shield:
Defensive targeted ability for heroes, troopers, and bosses(towers)
“Tinfoil? Why would I bother?”
Ghost Hunter envelops an ally Hero or NPC in a static barrier, giving them a Spirit Shield and Bullet Evasion. If the Spirit shield is destroyed, the evasion is removed as well. Lasts for a short duration otherwise.
Example upgrades include: -X second cooldown, +X second duration, +X spirit shield health.
3: Frequency Detector:
Passive enemy detection system
“Is there anyone in the room with us now?”
Ghost hunter carries an EMF meter which detects nearby enemy heroes, even when they can’t be seen. When heroes are nearby, the meter glows (and maybe the rest of Ghost Hunter for visibility). May also provide passive debuff resistance.
Example upgrades include: +Debuff Resist, + Range, Ability may be activated to see enemies through walls.
4: Mystic Trap:
Large AOE damage and heal
“Behold, the latest in anti-ghost technology!”

Ghost Hunter places down his greatest invention, a box that releases large AoE damage and slows all nearby enemies. The box has its own health bar and can be destroyed. When the box is destroyed, or the effect expires, captured spirits float out of the box, healing nearby allies based on the damage that the Trap dealt.
Example upgrades include: +X Damage per pulse, -X second Cooldown, +X Trap Health.
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