Hero idea The Alchemist


New member
Greetings video gamers,

In spirit of the 3rd person view, I thought it would be awesome to have an invokerish (dota/dota2) type hero in the game. The Alchemist.

The Alchemist's 3 basic abilities would be concoctions, an enhanced weapon concoction, a defensive concoction and a spirit concoction. When The Alchemist drinks a concoction it changes his flask type for a set amount of time.

For example, when drinking the enhanced weapon concoction obtain a burst of speed on your flasks.
When drinking the defensive concoction gain a small temporary shield on every trooper/player hit (maybe a little bit longer or bigger for heroes)
When drinking the spirit concoction enhance the damage of each flask thrown except lower the speed at which you throw them.

For The Alchemist's ultimate ability, the combination in which you drank each previous concoction would give a different useable/passive ability for a set amount of time. Different effects like a knockup, a stun, super speed etc...

Your ammo would be rather low as a bomb throwing character, but with the right player it could be played in any role.

Hope you like and maybe use in the future.
