Hero Idea - Tentacle mass


New member
Hero model would be puddle of goo from which emerge multiple tentacles, each has it's own hitbox with head multiplayer at tip.
Each tentacle has hp threshold at which it is destroyed. In order to kill the hero you need to kill majority of them.

1: Tentacle whip - converge tentacles into single one, hiting enemy, dealing damage and throwing them away. If enemy hits wall or another unit both take extra damage. Damage and throw distance scales with avaliable tentacles (your health)

2: Strangle - throw 2 of your tentacles (reducing your hp in the process) at the enemy. If you hit, enemy will be rooted and unable to shoot for x seconds. You can shorten duration of root by damaging tentacles rooting you, either by meele or by teamates.

3: Pull - strech your tentacle in direction and on hit pull towards. Tentacle is flexible so you can swing from it. Pull range scales with avaliable tentacles. You are unable to use other abilities while pulling.

4: Regrow - regrow all your tentacles restoring full health.