Some Background information ( lore is at the end of the thread) :
Sir Lock is an oldschool like detective from London, who is searching for his suddenly dissapeared (probably due to supernatural events or kidnapping by a evil minded company ) wife "Barbara". His base weapon is a magic magnifying glass, which shoots a laser. Sirlock has a loyal companion "Mr snuffle" he is a mix of a cute dog and abomination of a monster with scary teeth and a strong bite.
The magnifiying glass of Sir Lock is cursed. This curse lets him forget very fasts, which is why he probably never will find Barbara. The only thing he will always remember is his wifes name and that he needs to find her. This further explains why he has to investigate the enemy heroes with his ult to gather any informations where barbara is. Sadly Sirlock cant remember any details which would lead him to her, so he can and will ult even the same champions again and again.
Over all Gameplay Concept/ idea:
Sir Lock is a detective and has an assassin like playstyle. So his strengths rely on tracking and targeting one specific enemy hero and to put him down.
1. "Snuffles bite!" Sirlock always has his best partner Mr.Snuffles with him, which he can send out to follow and bite a champion. If the bite was successful and Mr.snuffels returns successfully to him and the saved the scent of the enemy hero. If he reactivates this ability snuffle can sense and detect the enemy champion within a certain radius. This triggers mr snuffles blood lust so if he happends to bite im again the oponent will get bleed damage for a certain amount of time. After reactivation snuffles needs a rest so he jumps back to Sir Lock.
2. "Calming smoke": Sirlock has a oldschool to the theme of sherlock holmes fitting pipe with him. . He can buff him self to increase his concentration, so his magnifying glass deals extra damage. Due to the smoke of the pipe snuffles loses his track/ scent of the last bitten ememy champion. ( This only happens if he didnt reactivate ability 1. This spell is thought to give the player an option to get rid of the current track of Mr.Snuffles)
3. "Take a note" Sir Lock takes out his notebook. Because not everything of his once brilliant mind is lost, Sir Lock uses the power of his perception to locate enemy heroes within a certain range. If enemies appear to be in his range Sir Lock will mark them on his hand drawn map within his notebook and the enemies will be marked for a certain time on his and his teammates map.
4. Ultimate "Barbara": Sir Locks main objective in life is to get his wife back, so if he ults he shouts for her name "barbara" very loud ( this can be an audio clue that he is about to ult ) and his magnifying glass enlarges to a comical size. He now can look trough his magnifiying glass. If an enemy hero is within he can choose him as his interrogation victim which takes about 1-2 seconds to charge. After a champion was choosen to investigate he can run to him with insane speed and throws mr.snuffle at him, which stuns the opponent for 2 seconds and gives him bleed damage.
My idea of a Lore page:
A few years ago Sir Lock was considered as the best and most genius detective of Great Britian. He once even solved one of the biggest crimes in Great Britian by catching the infamous and dreaded serialkiller "Bubblegum" (potential idea for another champion). The solvation of this case also led to his knighthood and frightend popularity among Londons most criminal people and creatures . For this reason Sir Lock became a to big to ignore danger for the criminal underworld, so that even the most evil guys out there were afraid of his genius mind. And when even some good folks tend to do evil stuff if they are scared enough of something you can imagine what malicious beings would be able to do. So they figured out a plan, because they knew that Sir Locks biggest weakness was always his beloved wife "Barbara.
So if he had to search for her, he wouldnt be able to interrupt and solve any commited crimes ever again. Therefore his wife got kidnapped and the once so rational thinking Sir Lock was lured into an evil trap due to his boundless love for his wife. When he fell into the villains trap it already was to late to come up with a genius idea to save the day once again. The Criminals cursed him with a magical magnifiying glass, which lets him forget nearly everything about himself and his life. Only the unbreakable will to find Barbara could remain even after this very powerful curse, so they choose to transform his wife into a dog like ugly little creature and called it "Mr Snuffles".
Cursed for eternity to find his wife without ever being able to undestand that she is infact always with him as his bound to animal "Mr Snuffles" most people today cant even remember the glory days of Sir Lock. The once beautiful shining mind of the past only remains a shadow in the criminally controlled headlights named "present".
Some Visual Ideas:
From an over all design point Sir lock should look like an older version of the oldschool Sherlock Holmes. Here an example from the internet :

To spice things a bit up he should be more grey and old in his appearence and a bit more comedical stylized. Because of his curse I would like to see visual details on that too. In my imagination his curse is very visible and you can see it pulsating in a purple color around the arm he is holding the magnifiying glass. The curse goes from his hand up to his body and to his face. Imagine him a bit like a mix of the classic sherlock holmes and two face from Batman. I would also like to see his tragic background to be reflected in some of his design.
Ps: I am not a native speaker, so sorry for any possible grammatical failures. Greetings!
If you have any further ideas you can write me on discord: duff_vader or add your own suggestions and ideas under this thread. Thanks for reading that very long thread !
Sir Lock is an oldschool like detective from London, who is searching for his suddenly dissapeared (probably due to supernatural events or kidnapping by a evil minded company ) wife "Barbara". His base weapon is a magic magnifying glass, which shoots a laser. Sirlock has a loyal companion "Mr snuffle" he is a mix of a cute dog and abomination of a monster with scary teeth and a strong bite.
The magnifiying glass of Sir Lock is cursed. This curse lets him forget very fasts, which is why he probably never will find Barbara. The only thing he will always remember is his wifes name and that he needs to find her. This further explains why he has to investigate the enemy heroes with his ult to gather any informations where barbara is. Sadly Sirlock cant remember any details which would lead him to her, so he can and will ult even the same champions again and again.
Over all Gameplay Concept/ idea:
Sir Lock is a detective and has an assassin like playstyle. So his strengths rely on tracking and targeting one specific enemy hero and to put him down.
1. "Snuffles bite!" Sirlock always has his best partner Mr.Snuffles with him, which he can send out to follow and bite a champion. If the bite was successful and Mr.snuffels returns successfully to him and the saved the scent of the enemy hero. If he reactivates this ability snuffle can sense and detect the enemy champion within a certain radius. This triggers mr snuffles blood lust so if he happends to bite im again the oponent will get bleed damage for a certain amount of time. After reactivation snuffles needs a rest so he jumps back to Sir Lock.
2. "Calming smoke": Sirlock has a oldschool to the theme of sherlock holmes fitting pipe with him. . He can buff him self to increase his concentration, so his magnifying glass deals extra damage. Due to the smoke of the pipe snuffles loses his track/ scent of the last bitten ememy champion. ( This only happens if he didnt reactivate ability 1. This spell is thought to give the player an option to get rid of the current track of Mr.Snuffles)
3. "Take a note" Sir Lock takes out his notebook. Because not everything of his once brilliant mind is lost, Sir Lock uses the power of his perception to locate enemy heroes within a certain range. If enemies appear to be in his range Sir Lock will mark them on his hand drawn map within his notebook and the enemies will be marked for a certain time on his and his teammates map.
4. Ultimate "Barbara": Sir Locks main objective in life is to get his wife back, so if he ults he shouts for her name "barbara" very loud ( this can be an audio clue that he is about to ult ) and his magnifying glass enlarges to a comical size. He now can look trough his magnifiying glass. If an enemy hero is within he can choose him as his interrogation victim which takes about 1-2 seconds to charge. After a champion was choosen to investigate he can run to him with insane speed and throws mr.snuffle at him, which stuns the opponent for 2 seconds and gives him bleed damage.
My idea of a Lore page:
A few years ago Sir Lock was considered as the best and most genius detective of Great Britian. He once even solved one of the biggest crimes in Great Britian by catching the infamous and dreaded serialkiller "Bubblegum" (potential idea for another champion). The solvation of this case also led to his knighthood and frightend popularity among Londons most criminal people and creatures . For this reason Sir Lock became a to big to ignore danger for the criminal underworld, so that even the most evil guys out there were afraid of his genius mind. And when even some good folks tend to do evil stuff if they are scared enough of something you can imagine what malicious beings would be able to do. So they figured out a plan, because they knew that Sir Locks biggest weakness was always his beloved wife "Barbara.
So if he had to search for her, he wouldnt be able to interrupt and solve any commited crimes ever again. Therefore his wife got kidnapped and the once so rational thinking Sir Lock was lured into an evil trap due to his boundless love for his wife. When he fell into the villains trap it already was to late to come up with a genius idea to save the day once again. The Criminals cursed him with a magical magnifiying glass, which lets him forget nearly everything about himself and his life. Only the unbreakable will to find Barbara could remain even after this very powerful curse, so they choose to transform his wife into a dog like ugly little creature and called it "Mr Snuffles".
Cursed for eternity to find his wife without ever being able to undestand that she is infact always with him as his bound to animal "Mr Snuffles" most people today cant even remember the glory days of Sir Lock. The once beautiful shining mind of the past only remains a shadow in the criminally controlled headlights named "present".
Some Visual Ideas:
From an over all design point Sir lock should look like an older version of the oldschool Sherlock Holmes. Here an example from the internet :

To spice things a bit up he should be more grey and old in his appearence and a bit more comedical stylized. Because of his curse I would like to see visual details on that too. In my imagination his curse is very visible and you can see it pulsating in a purple color around the arm he is holding the magnifiying glass. The curse goes from his hand up to his body and to his face. Imagine him a bit like a mix of the classic sherlock holmes and two face from Batman. I would also like to see his tragic background to be reflected in some of his design.
Ps: I am not a native speaker, so sorry for any possible grammatical failures. Greetings!
If you have any further ideas you can write me on discord: duff_vader or add your own suggestions and ideas under this thread. Thanks for reading that very long thread !
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