hero idea: miner (melee type hero)

weapon will be a pickaxe that does high dmg but slow shot speed or jackhammer that does a short burst of small damage
first ability can be him throwing his pickaxe like a boomerang it damages enemies and then it comes back (does dmg on return too and he cant use the pickaxe during the duration of the ability) or he uses his jack hammer to dash forward pushing back enemies and dealing damage
second ability could be a lock on where he throws dynamite at the enemy and if it hits it does large dmg or if it doesn't it does a bounce and explodes after a small amount off time or he uses his jackhammer to throw rocks at the enemies (maybe he mines the ground and rock fly out to where he is aiming
third ability can be a sort of team dmg up where allies around him get a dmg up or it can be a heal of sorts since he is up close and personal with the enemy maybe he eats a sandvich or he mines the ground and finds some minerals or something
fourth ability/ ult if he has the pickaxe he hits the ground and a chunk of rock gets stuck on there and he does massive dmg or maybe he is able to hit the ground and make a shock wave that makes enemies jump up or get stunned if he is using the jackhammer maybe he can turbo boost it and make it fully automatic maybe more range or maybe he plants down a massive cluster of dynamite and it explodes after a small cooldown dealing massive dmg to enemies but the further away they are the less dmg it deals
lore wise maybe his miner friends pranked him a little too much and caused a cave in that killed him or he died while trying to get his pet canary out of the mine
maybe he can have a canary in a cage float around him or something that would be cool
This game screams builds involving punching people non-stop! But all of them do seem to have at least 1 gun that they use.
yes, laning is very hard without this, i was thinking a bit and the ideas i had for possible melee characters were these (independently, not all together :D)

* long attack range - a big pickaxe? - with slow attack speed big swinging down fast could work, need to move while attacking and not make it look awkward

* a knife character that can throw knifes on a shorter range but compared to bepops attack range while having a skill activated (and maybe a mechanic to reset that skill based on performance)

*a skill that lets you lasthit on medium range without having to hit the orb, mb on a 7 second cooldown (-1 second on first upgrade or 2-3s on second)

* a comparable low cooldown skill that gives very high bullet resist for a short duration that also stops you from being able to use your melee weapon aka allows you to go for lasthit if not getting blasted by spells

* a pure support like character that lets your second lane partner lasthit by having a channeled ability(interuptible) that soaks pretty much all the damage they take onto you while having some form of tankiness or other surviviability