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There once was an old fisherman, long past his prime. On a stormy night when no other would sail, after one too many drinks, he stumbled to the docks and made to set out to sea. Onlookers called him mad, drunk, senile- but he ignored them all.
In his barnacle-encrusted sloop, armed with nothing but his trusty harpoon and a handle of rum, he sailed out into the night.
Days passed, and he did not return. Most assumed he had capsized, and was lost to the sea as many foolish sailors are. Then one foggy morning his boat drifted back to port, and the old man stepped onto the docks with an unusual vigor, clutching a waterlogged book.
To those who questioned him he would only say that he found something out there, that the sea had finally given him the bounty that was all land lubber's due. Stranger still, those who spoke with him claimed that beneath that wide-brimmed hat, the man had changed. His body distended, his skin discolored... and a few even whispered of seeing bloated, fish-like eyes.
Sorry for the bad art, I can't really draw! Had this idea earlier & thought it'd be fun to make out, he's supposed to be a sort of support oriented minion guy.
Thematically very much drawing from lovecraft's fishmen, mixed with a fisherman, mixed with a born again preacher. Felt like it fit the occult-noire vibe. This is more a rough idea than an in depth one, the deepspawn would also scale health/damage with Wharf's items & level, maybe the harpoon pin automatically triggers a spawn rush, didn't want to clog up the image too much. Mostly for fun, lmk what you think!