New member
Basic thematic of the hero: Cosmolith is a shard of the space comet Halley that fell down into the Big Apple after a collision event caused it to partially shatter. Cosmolith came to life due to the supernatural energy from the souls of the NY area. Cosmolith seeks the Patron's wish granting powers so he can be reunited with the rest of his body on Halley.
In terms of gameplay, I wanted to create a "form swap" character and a character that can use a resource to power up their attacks. Cosmolith accumulates shards as he gains souls (100 souls = 10 Shards). He can consume these shards to alt-cast and empower his abilities, making them more powerful. He has more abilities than normal characters, having separate abilities in his mobile ball form and immobile, tanky walking form. However, these abilities mostly have quite a long cooldown and lack the typical -cooldown ability point upgrades that most characters have to account for the inherent utility that a 6 ability character has. I've also made him quite slow and only have 2 stamina in the normal form so that he must use the "clunkier" but more mobile ball form to engage (it controls like Viscous's ball).
Here are the images of the character kit below (credit to whoever made Deadmock.io, was very useful!)
I am not an artist, so please ignore the very crappy MS paint edit.

Feel free to leave feedback in the comments below! Particularly I wanted to see people's feedback on a couple of things I had in mind:
In terms of gameplay, I wanted to create a "form swap" character and a character that can use a resource to power up their attacks. Cosmolith accumulates shards as he gains souls (100 souls = 10 Shards). He can consume these shards to alt-cast and empower his abilities, making them more powerful. He has more abilities than normal characters, having separate abilities in his mobile ball form and immobile, tanky walking form. However, these abilities mostly have quite a long cooldown and lack the typical -cooldown ability point upgrades that most characters have to account for the inherent utility that a 6 ability character has. I've also made him quite slow and only have 2 stamina in the normal form so that he must use the "clunkier" but more mobile ball form to engage (it controls like Viscous's ball).
Here are the images of the character kit below (credit to whoever made Deadmock.io, was very useful!)
I am not an artist, so please ignore the very crappy MS paint edit.

Feel free to leave feedback in the comments below! Particularly I wanted to see people's feedback on a couple of things I had in mind:
- Is the character too overdesigned/has too much going on? This was my main concern with giving a character a stacking mechanic AND a form swap.
- I had another idea for the thematic, which was basically a conglomerate of stones being held together by some alien worm creature, and the shard mechanic was basically the alien creature looking to grow its "home". Would that be more interesting than just making him a living space rock?
- Should the shards give more Max HP/tankiness when gathered? I decided against this because I thought it would be too many mechanics to add, and incentivize players to not use the alt-casting of his abilities which is kind of the point of this kit.