Hero Idea: Captain Wraithbone


New member
Hero Name: Captain Wraithbone

Hero Description: basically Jack Sparrow inspired except its skeleton form all time, with glowing green eyes. Similar with Wraith King from Dota 2.

Ability 1: Ghostly Cutlass -
Captain Wraithbone swings his cursed cutlass in a wide arc, dealing damage to all enemies in front of him. Enemies hit by the cutlass are marked with a spectral curse, slowing them by 20% for 2 seconds. Marked enemies take additional damage from Captain Wraithbone’s basic attacks and abilities.

Ability 2:
Summon Spectral Crew -
Captain Wraithbone summons a crew of ghostly pirates to aid him in battle. The minions deal damage to nearby enemies. The crew lasts for 10 seconds or until defeated. If they kill a jungle monster, they extend their duration by 2 seconds.

Ability 3:
Phantom Tide -
Captain Wraithbone transforms into a ghostly tide, becoming untargetable and moving rapidly in a direction. Any enemies he passes through, reducing their attack speed and movement speed by 30% for 3 seconds. If he collides with terrain, he instantly reappears and gains a bullet armor for 10% of his maximum health.

Ultimate Ability:
Dreadstorm -
Captain Wraithbone calls upon the full power of the sea, summoning a massive storm that covers a large area. Enemies within the storm are, taking damage over time and being randomly knocked back. The storm lasts for 8 second
I completely forgot to mention what weapon he would use. - flintlock like a pirate weapon. I should rework on this idea with more polished concept tomorrow.