Hero idea: Cab driver


New member
I think where Ivy has the in abilities to aid the team in the middle of skirmish and fights,
the cab driver would be more of a organized delivery of initiations and escapes.

Lane wise, it would all center around coordination to generate souls and expedite item progression
by cashing out ramping debuffs. And their endgame play would center around being public transit for your team!

1 Ability - What's fare

Throw a tab/receipt in a line, and the first hero hit gets a debuff that has a delayed detonation.
The more damage they take in that time adds to the souls gained by the damage dealers along
with adding to the total damage taken.

2 Ability - The Stop

Set down a sign that provides an aoe hp regen and can be used as a teleportation spot for your ultimate.

3 Ability - A shortcut

A Teleportaions/blink ability that allows the cab driver to blink to nearby fogs of war, jetusaning them out

4 Ability - HEY TAXI

Deploy a taxi that any ally can click and the active prompt of to hop inside. From there the cab driver can move to
any established Stop or a nearby fog of war using a shortcut

I think the innate mobility of the railways makes map traversal really fun but this would be a great options for more organized
rotations and reward preplanning and placements.
Design wise I imagine a mix between Kharon and a average ass joe of a guy.
Lore and background?

Taking after her father and learning to love the city from the ground up, Cassie knew she was meant
to master the roads of the public transportation and make sure her family name went hand in hand with arriving on time.
To her detriment it's what she got, being too dependable for local gangs and under dealings, the work she picked up only
escalated in dangers. And when she wanted out she got it, after one last stop to the local marina docks.

It was there that Kharon admired her ambitions and fareness(fairness) and offered her the job of an understudy.
Now she takes the tolls of the dead of new york and welcomes new clients with open doors.