Character Idea: Cab Calloway Expy


New member


Because the setting is the 20s but more fantastical, why not implement inspiration of one of the finest and most energetic singers of that period? Imagine the voice acting, the PURE ENERGY of this man's animations as he dazzles with musical potency in his iconic Zoot Suit. Why not take that inspiration with the setting?

Naturally it can't be 1:1 Cab since he's dead and I'm not sure how his relatives would feel, but worth asking regardless.

Archtype wise, he's a support character, inspired by Lucio with the "musical healing/buffing".

Primary attack: He "Scats" (Skidi bop bop ba) Semi-Automatically and goes as fast as the player can click. It has decent range and enough damage to defend themselves, but falls against more brawn-ier characters.

Passive: He's usually dancing in place, performing, which comes with his primary means of heal/support: "Charisma". You see he's just SO ALIVE that it can heal the body, mind, and soul of stress and burdens (Healing and Supporting). Friendly allies in this aura get whatever effect he's doing. The effect can be managed by tapping right click and selecting one of three "Performances".

1. A Slow, Swinging Melody: For Heals per Second
2. A Jumping Jive: For Boosted Damage (for team fights)
3. An Energetic Review: For getting allies to places on the map slightly faster.

Ability 1: Hat Throw, Like Odd Job from James Bond, when in danger, Cab can throw his hat like a Frisbee to do some damage and stun/slow incoming enemy players at range, so he can escape, maybe with the help of-
Ability 2: Zooters Zhuffle, Boots Cab's own speed with a small 3-5 second window of immunity so he can, with a combo of the Hat Throw, save his own bacon and get him to his team.
Ability 3: "Wardrobe!", Basically a Self-Heal, probably powders himself for his next show or something.

Ultimate: "SHOWTIME!", Cab and his Boys begin a 10 second Swing performance with Valve's Orchestra going ape with it, it's a Hypnotic CC, forcing any enemies near Cab to stop what they're doing and dance wildly to his music, allowing Cab's team to effortlessly come in and beat the snot out of them.

Notes: The design should stick to being sorta like Cal in his prime in the 20s. Young, slim, energetic, mustache, Zoot Suit.