Hero Idea: Axel


Active member
Ability 1: Suppression Net
Fires a suppression net that traps the enemy in place for 2s.

Damage: 60, Scales 0.4 with spiritual power
Cooldown: 32s
Capture Area: 10m
Net Length: 5m
- Reduces ballistic resistance by 12%
- Reduces cooldown by 14 seconds
- +0.75s duration.

Ability 2: Advanced Turret
Deploys an assault turret that deals ballistic damage.

Damage per second: 50, Scales with ballistic damage
Turret Health: 30% of Axel's max health
Attack Range: 25m
Duration: 24s
Cooldown: 18s.
- +1 charge and +10m attack range.
- Reduces cooldown by 6 seconds.
- +40 Turret DPS

Skill 3: Incendiary Grenade
Axel throws an incendiary grenade that explodes on impact, setting the ground on fire for 5s. Enemies within the area take damage per second.

Explosion Damage: 80, Scale 0.8 with spiritual power
Damage per Second: 25, Scale 0.4 with spiritual power
Explosion and Ignition Radius: 7m
Cooldown: 24s
- +2m radius
- Reduces cooldown by 8 seconds
- +60 explosion damage and +10 damage per second

Skill 4: Orbital Bombardment
Axel calls in an orbital bombardment that drops a bomb on a target area.

Damage: 250, Scale 1.2 with spiritual power.
Explosion Radius: 24m.
Cooldown: 140s.
- Reduces cooldown by 40 seconds
- +100 damage
- Deals 12% of the enemy's maximum health as additional damage.