Hero Idea: Atlas, Robber Baron


New member
Atlas typifies the 'robber baron' of the early 1920's era. An industrialist who made his fortune on the backs of the hard working (both human and spirit alike), Atlas knows what power is and how to weild it. His company was the first to use souls to power clockwork robotics and it made him a fortune. Now with his trusty rifle and his clockwork hounds (powerd by enslaved souls), few escape Atlas' ire.

Abilties below - note I've not put in cooldowns/damage as that will be something that will need to be play tested.

Main wepon - Lever action rifle (12x shots)
Right click - Iron sights
  1. Mark Target - Marks a target with a tracking dart. Target is visible through walls to team mates, takes more damage from Atlas, and is a preferred taget of his hounds. Does XX times main wepon damage.
    1. Reduced cooldown
    2. +XX spirit damage
    3. Marked targets take critical hits from Atlas
  2. Clockwork Hounds - summon a robotic hound that attacks nearby enemies with a gun in its mouth. Targets heros by preference. Heroes hit by the hound(s) have reduced spirit resistance. Hounds last until killed.
    1. Hounds secure and deny souls automatically
    2. Summon 2x hounds
    3. Summon 3x hounds
  3. Hobble - Atlas' hobbles his target with a aimed shot, slowing it so his hounds can finish the job. - Target slowed by XX for X seconds, deals XX spirit damage
    1. Reduced cooldown
    2. +XX bleed damage for X seconds
    3. Slow now builds over time reaching 2x the initial slow by X seconds.
  4. Fetch! - Atlas' hounds charge his marked target and explode on contact dealing XXX spirit damage in a XX range AOE. Hounds will maneuver through terrain to reach their target. If unable to hit their target withing X seconds, they return to Atlas and the ability goes on cooldown.
    1. Hounds movement speed increased by XX
    2. + XX spirit damage
    3. If the target dies before all Hounds explode will automatically target the nearest enemy hero. If no heroes are nearby they return to Atlas and this ability's cooldown is reset.
I like the theming for this character a lot, but I think the abilities leave more to be desired. I don't like that three of his abilities are based around his hounds, and I would rather see abilities more geared towards the idea of him being a robber.
I like the theming for this character a lot, but I think the abilities leave more to be desired. I don't like that three of his abilities are based around his hounds, and I would rather see abilities more geared towards the idea of him being a robber.
Robber barons is a term for weathy industrialists that took advantage of the poor - they are not litteral robbers.
