[Hero] Electroheart, an overly complicated hero


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As a bit of background this character's soul is trapped in a mechanic heart which is then placed inside a cadaver, which becomes his body.
This character rocks the "Ability Rotating" concept that I posted about a long time ago. This is why he has 3 ability 1s, 3 ability 2s, and 3 ability 4s, because he can rotate his 1, 2, and 4, to be in the 1, 2, or 4 slot.

Base Stats
Health 600
Regen 1
Stamina 3
Movespeed 7.5, scales 0.01 with spirit
Sprint 1.5, scales 0.01 with spirit

Health +38
Primary damage +0.6
Beam damage +0.4

12 damage
5 shots per second
DPS 60
Bullet velocity 500
Ammo 40
Reload time 3 seconds

Alt fire
10 ticks of 4.5 damage.
10 ammo consumed per second.
Range 10 meters *scales 0.05 with spirit
DPS 45
Comes from heart not gun.

Ability 1. Deja vu
Cooldown 20s
When you activate Deja Vu you flash Blue. After 1.5 seconds (doesn't scale with duration) a copy of you appears where you activated Deja Vu and moves, attacks, and uses non-ultimate abilities according to how you do in the 1.5 seconds (scales with duration) since you activated Deja Vu. The copy turns to shoot at, use non-ultimate abilities at, or punch enemy heroes that are within 5 meters.
Copy gun damage +2.
Upgrade 1. Charges +1
Upgrade 2.
Copy duration +1 seconds.
Upgrade 3. Copy damage +20%

Ability 1.2 Magnet Slide
Cooldown 20s,
Lock onto an enemy within 10 meters. Slide for 3 seconds with high movement control, your gun is locked on them as far as the x axis goes.
Upgrade 1. +1 charges
Upgrade 2. +3 movespeed,
Upgrade 3. +5 weapon damage for 6 seconds after magnet sliding.

Ability 1.4 Turbo Boost
Cooldown 20s
Duration 3s
Fly the direction you're facing at 14 m/s
Duration 2 seconds. You cannot turn. When you contact an enemy they are thrown back 10 meters. And take 120 damage. Spirit scaling 2
Upgrade 1. Charges +1
Upgrade 2. Movespeed +4
Upgrade 3. Damage +100

Ability 2. Magnet Slide
Cooldown 25s
Slide forward with limited turn speed and +4 movement speed for two seconds. If you get within 5 meters of an enemy hero you zoom into them, doing 70 spirit damage (scales 1.5 with spirit) and applying 20% movement slow for 3 seconds.
Upgrade 1. +40 damage.
Upgrade 2. +2 move Speed, disarms enemy for 1 second.
Upgrade 3. +8 weapon damage for 6 seconds after magnet sliding.

Ability 2. 1. Deja Vu
Cooldown 25s
When you activate Deja Vu you flash Blue
and are highlighted blue until the duration ends. After 2 seconds you return to the point where you activated Deja Vu in an identical state to when you activated Deja Vu unless you die.
Upgrade 1. +7 weapon damage buff between activating Deja Vu and returning to the cast point.
Upgrade 2. Duration +1 seconds.
Upgrade 3. If you die you still appear where you cast Deja Vu and instead die 10 seconds

Ability 2.4 Turbo Boost
Cooldown 25s
Duration 3 seconds, scales 0.01s with spirit
+4 movement speed
+5 weapon damage.
At the end of the duration you are stunned for 1.5 seconds
Upgrade 1. You gain +100 bullet shield for the duration.
Upgrade 2. Duration +1.5 seconds.
Upgrade 3. When you're stunned you also stun all enemies within 15 meters for 0.75 seconds. +5 weapon damage.

Ability 3 Reboot
(Ults have no cooldown. You have one use of your ult which is restored when you reboot)
Cooldown 30s
You gain +50% damage resistance and Regen 5% max HP per second for 1.5 seconds. You cannot act otherwise. This reloads your weapon. If your ult has been used you gain a use of your ult, the duration is extended to 6 seconds, and your abilities are rotated. Deja Vu, Magnet Slide, and Turbo Boost shift one ability slot to the right, skipping over Reboot. They have different effects and strengths based upon what slot they are in.
Upgrade 1. Regen increases to 10% max HP per second.
Upgrade 2. +100 max bullet and spirit shield, and you refill your bullet and spirit shields when you reboot.
Upgrade 3. You are intangible and Debuffs are cleared when rebooting. You act as a solid wall.

Ability 4. Turbo Boost
No cooldown. One use.
Duration 4s
100% Movespeed slow resist.
Movespeed +3. Every 0.5 seconds your movespeed increases by 1.
Turnspeed is slightly limited.
Your screen has that beam of light hyper speed effect narrowing your field of view.
When you run into an enemy they inherent your movespeed as an impulse that knocks them backwards for 1.5 seconds (they bounce off the environment) and they take damage in an explosion radius according to how fast you were moving.
Damage 150, spirit scaling 2, speed scaling 1 per 0.1 movespeed. Spirit scaling on speed scaling 0.015
Damage radius 6 meters, scales 0.02 with spirit
Upgrade 1. Cooldown -20s
Upgrade 2. Movespeed +3
Upgrade 3. You fly the direction you are facing. No limit on turnspeed. Movespeed +0.5 every 0.5 seconds.

Ability 4.1 Deja Vu
No cooldown. One use.
2.5 seconds after you activate Deja Vu you and a copy of you pop up where you activated Deja Vu in the exact state you were in when you cast it, unless you died in which you stay dead but the copy appears. The copy does what you did, but turns to target enemies within 5 meters. Your copy does +4 weapon damage.
Upgrade 1. +5 weapon damage for you and your copy for 6 seconds after casting Deja Vu
Upgrade 2. Duration +1 seconds.
Upgrade 3. If you die between casting and reappearing then you still reappear but your copy does not.

Ability 4.2 Magnet Slide
No cooldown. One use.
Slide forward with limited turn speed and +4 movement speed for two seconds. If you get within 5 meters of an enemy hero you zoom into them, doing 120 spirit damage (scales 1.5 with spirit) and rooting them in place for 2 seconds.
You have a 3 seconds to recast Magnet Slide if you rooted someone. You may not target someone who has been rooted by magnet slide since it last went on cooldown.
Upgrade 1. Disarms rooted enemies for 1 second.
Upgrade 2. Root duration +1 second.
Upgrade 3. +5 weapon damage for 6 seconds on cast. Stacks.