[Hero Concept]: Theia, lazer and light focused hero


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In lore Theia is a young scientist, posibly a relative of Dynamo. She is doing research on different magical materials(gemstones and such) and mythical spectrum of light.

She has a pistol that shoots a beam like Bebop, her beam max range is 20m(even with levels and increased falloff range). Beam has a charge time(i am thinking a bit faster than Bebop`s laser, but she doesn`t charge when scoping)

First Ability
The first skill allows her to shoot enemies from far away, and even hiding behind cover. While placing a Pylon, you can visually see the range of already existing pylons and what pylons connect to the others.
The pylons can be placed on any surface, florr, walls, ceiling and hover like 1m above the placed surface.
Second Ability:
If any of you played Infamous Second Son, this is basically the neon powers dash. Also important to note, you can not run of CEILINGS with the 5 AP power.
Third Ability:
I honestly don`t know what to place in here, so it`s empty for now. I am open to any suggestions on what this ability could be.
Your first skill WILL redirect your shots to the crystall, so you can detonate it from a safe distance.
I would play this character if her ability three was something like:

Overcharged - after a short charge up time (.1 secs per round in clip) Fire all remaining rounds currently in your clip as one singular burst laser dealing damage equal to all rounds * .x spirit growth as spirit damage. Range still 20m but no fall off.

cd is something like 5 seconds but you cant reload till the cd is over as your gun "cools off" or you are reloading a whole knew gem and not just rounds.

Upgrades would be something like t1 - faster reload time after cd, t2 increased range maybe cuz extra power, t3 - if laser hits another crystal that crystal exlpodes for extra damage or something that lets you reset the cd faster

After thinking about this it really similar to paras snipe ability but this doesnt cc and wouldnt work with things like mystic shot because its not you firing the gun with lmb.
It seems to me that this hero requires prep time going into any fight, needing to drop their crystals before the meat of the shooting really happens to get full use out of their abilities. If that is going to be the case, I think you should build into the hero identity that they are claiming a spot and defending it, much like McGuiness. I would increase the base charges of the 1 by 1 charge and decrease the cooldown to say 15s so that with some cooldown increase they can always have a pylon active.

The second ability also doesn't work that well with the kit if they have to set up the kit for every fight.

I think if you reorganize these around that identity the third ability will become clear. (Also Check out my orangutan character)
It seems to me that this hero requires prep time going into any fight, needing to drop their crystals before the meat of the shooting really happens to get full use out of their abilities. If that is going to be the case, I think you should build into the hero identity that they are claiming a spot and defending it, much like McGuiness. I would increase the base charges of the 1 by 1 charge and decrease the cooldown to say 15s so that with some cooldown increase they can always have a pylon active.

The second ability also doesn't work that well with the kit if they have to set up the kit for every fight.

I think if you reorganize these around that identity the third ability will become clear. (Also Check out my orangutan character)
The second ability is purely to get in a good spot to start your setup, or if the fight is a loss to hastilly retreat.
I think that the 3rd ability needs to be something defensive as you said
And i honestly think 8s duration on the 1st skill is too low, something higher will be better.
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so is this kind of like a psuedo evaision?
Projectiles literally change their angles slightly, they may change it from like 1 degree to like 15(numbers not accurate, i don`t know how much this will need to be to feel balanced). That means some projectiles fired at you won`t move as much, while the others will go flying in other directions. So stacking 2 barriers increases the chances of projectiles missing you. You can kinda call it pseudo evasion.
Projectiles literally change their angles slightly, they may change it from like 1 degree to like 15(numbers not accurate, i don`t know how much this will need to be to feel balanced). That means some projectiles fired at you won`t move as much, while the others will go flying in other directions. So stacking 2 barriers increases the chances of projectiles missing you. You can kinda call it pseudo evasion.
direction is random or always away from your body? I feel like if its random, some bullets would hit that otherwise would miss and that doesnt feel good lol.

I think making it a set number, lets say 15 degrees for now, and depending on where that bullet hits the barrier, this could be enough to bend it past your hit box, especially if you are moving in the opposite direction. But its always going to redirect them away from center mass, even if its not enough to miss the hit box over all.

Then, i guess with extra charges, you can apply it multiple times and increase the degree addititvely? So 15-30-45-60, capping at whatever the max number of charges you can hold would be. Would extra layers also increase your own bullet damage additively too?

I see this stopping more headshots than body shots too. Or at least 1 single layer.
direction is random or always away from your body? I feel like if its random, some bullets would hit that otherwise would miss and that doesnt feel good lol.

I think making it a set number, lets say 15 degrees for now, and depending on where that bullet hits the barrier, this could be enough to bend it past your hit box, especially if you are moving in the opposite direction. But its always going to redirect them away from center mass, even if its not enough to miss the hit box over all.

Then, i guess with extra charges, you can apply it multiple times and increase the degree addititvely? So 15-30-45-60, capping at whatever the max number of charges you can hold would be. Would extra layers also increase your own bullet damage additively too?

I see this stopping more headshots than body shots too. Or at least 1 single layer.
Yes, i think extra layers should icrease the damage and the redirection additively. I think that making the degree random is a good thing, so that it isn`t a 100% bullet counter.

And this skill works on ANY projectiles, not just bullets, stuff like bebop hook, grey tallon arrow, etc.

Also an idea i had is to make it so that the redirection is always away from the center of the Lens. Maybe you could make the Min degree at such a number so that it will evade bullets shot at the edge of your hitbox, but not in your center. And the evade chance also heavily depends on YOUR distance from the barrier bcs of how this works.
Yes, i think extra layers should icrease the damage and the redirection additively. I think that making the degree random is a good thing, so that it isn`t a 100% bullet counter.

And this skill works on ANY projectiles, not just bullets, stuff like bebop hook, grey tallon arrow, etc.

Also an idea i had is to make it so that the redirection is always away from the center of the Lens. Maybe you could make the Min degree at such a number so that it will evade bullets shot at the edge of your hitbox, but not in your center. And the evade chance also heavily depends on YOUR distance from the barrier bcs of how this works.
yea, but i think think that other non-bullets will be noticiable between their hitboxes versus character hitboxes being far bigger than the bullet projectiles.

And yea, there sould be a min degree deflection similar to what you said. Doenst garantee they miss as a great center mass shot would still probably hit.

Is the barrier stationary? Im thinking its a literal spherical bubble centered on the characters mass. Like its originating from a belt or arm device thats holding some crystal thing.
yea, but i think think that other non-bullets will be noticiable between their hitboxes versus character hitboxes being far bigger than the bullet projectiles.

And yea, there sould be a min degree deflection similar to what you said. Doenst garantee they miss as a great center mass shot would still probably hit.

Is the barrier stationary? Im thinking its a literal spherical bubble centered on the characters mass. Like its originating from a belt or arm device thats holding some crystal thing.
I am not sure, i always imagined it like a curved disk. Something like this, but see through and without any decor and metal:
But a protective bubble also sounds nice.

You know what other idea i had? When placing a Lens using alt-cast in a Gems redirect radius, they become linked(Their durration is added together). A linked Gem does not redirect your beam anymore, but starts attracting all the projectiles that pass throgh the Lens to itself. Maybe even make the projectiles redirected this way as neutral, so they can damage and apply their effects to any hero XD. With this change you would def need to increase the Gems CD to make them less accesible.
I am not sure, i always imagined it like a curved disk. Something like this, but see through and without any decor and metal:
View attachment 36497
But a protective bubble also sounds nice.

You know what other idea i had? When placing a Lens using alt-cast in a Gems redirect radius, they become linked(Their durration is added together). A linked Gem does not redirect your beam anymore, but starts attracting all the projectiles that pass throgh the Lens to itself. Maybe even make the projectiles redirected this way as neutral, so they can damage and apply their effects to any hero XD. With this change you would def need to increase the Gems CD to make them less accesible.
If the character is holding up her arm or hand and "presenting" this shield that would work thematically as well. Functionally i dont think it changes as long as its attached to her and not like a paradox wall.

This other idea is cool but that sounds more like a magnet type character that manipulates magnetic fields to gather bullets shot at them for a short period and can redirect them back at the shooter instead. Magneto style.
If the character is holding up her arm or hand and "presenting" this shield that would work thematically as well. Functionally i dont think it changes as long as its attached to her and not like a paradox wall.

This other idea is cool but that sounds more like a magnet type character that manipulates magnetic fields to gather bullets shot at them for a short period and can redirect them back at the shooter instead. Magneto style.
It is more like focusing something using a lens in my imagination :) Maybe even make the lens turn towards the Gem to show where it will redirect. And the tech in the lore of Deadlock is stupidly advanced, so i think a hologram lens that can bend stuff other than light seems fair thematically.
I just think a stationary shield will be better, even if it is somewhat simmilar to paradox.

It can even be explained in the lore by The Paradox organization stealing the blueprints for the wall generator from her and tweaking them a bit. And Theia being angry at Paradox for it.

That said even if the devs will add the mounted wall version i will be happy, just add SOMETHING PLS!!!!