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Noire - Shadow Manipulator
Game plan idea - Noire is a squishy close-range fighter designed around using an iframe to dodge big attacks, blinding enemies, and leaving them helpless in adamaging AOE. An ult designed for tricky escapes and entrances, as well as for transporting the team around. I was inspired to make a character with outplay potential similar to Pocket. I quite enjoy the concept of being disadvantaged in a raw fight but having abilities that when timed well can turn the tide in your favor. I also noticed a lack of blinding abilities often commonplace in hero shooters. A dark shadow-focused character named Noire seemed almost too perfect to not include in a 1930s supernatural hero shooter. A core theme of this character for me is outplay potential.
Visual ideas - Similar to Infernus, I was thinking they should be an otherworldly shadow creature, maybe a demon or devil. Woman dressed in a long black cocktail dress. Long flowing skirt with shadowy wisps ebbing from it. Black hair up in a classic updo, lacey shadowy elbow gloves, dark purple skin covered in wispy shadow, a shadowy veil covering the face.
Ability 1: Blinding Grasp - shadow hand-like puddle punch grabs at enemies blinding them and dealing light melee damage, parryable, affected by punch items
Flavor text: materialize a shadowy hand that deals damage and steals away the victim's sight for a short duration. This is considered a light melee attack.
-40m range
-Has charges
-30 second cooldown
-2 second Blind duration
Upgrade 1: removes 1 stamina, +1 charge
Upgrade 2: +40 DMG and +1 second Blind duration
Upgrade 3: -15% resists on hit while blinded
Ability 2: Shadow Jaunt - become incorporeal (iframe) for a short 1-second duration, gain move speed while inside, afterward infuse next gun attack with shadow energy adding spirit damage in a small aoe, this ability also gives noir 15 seconds of 15% DMG amp if they dodged an ability or heavy melee with the iframe. I like the idea of this ability allowing normal movement with enough time for a dash or dash jump but not much else. This ability should be quite strong in my opinion to negate having low hp and reduced spirit resistance. Animation cancels reload as well to allow some more skill expression
Flavor text: Sink into the realm of shadows for a short duration becoming untargettable and negating all damage. After emerging, your weapon becomes enveloped in shadow energy which adds additional spirit damage to your next shot. In addition, should Noire negate a hero ability or heavy melee with this ability, Noire gains a 15% damage amp for a short duration.
-Incorporeal duration: .5 second (.01 spirit scaling)
-Move speed: +4 m/s
-22 second cooldown
-Infused bullet DMG: 80 DMG (1.9x spirit scaling) - I think this damage should be additional, not replace the bullet damage, similar to mystic shot, possibly could be an AOE attack as well with a range similar to that of Yamato's alt fire but only for the spirit damage part.
Upgrade 1: -7 second down reduction
Upgrade 2: +15% fire rate after use, refresh 1 stamina
Upgrade 3: +100 dmg and damage amp increased by 15%
Ability 3: Churning Darkness - AOE darkness swirl that slows enemies and deals damage while inside. Grenade ability type similar to ivy kudzu or paradox nade. This ability is the one I'm least sure about or attached to as it's less unique. The idea came from blinding an enemy and them not being sure how to escape the aoe under their feet. I was also considering making it a passive that gives Noire damage amp when she parries or dodges abilities with Shadow Jaunt.
Flavor text: summon a swirling mass of grasping shadow hands that damage and slow enemies inside.
-4 second duration
-6m radius
-40% movement slow (.15 spirit scaling)
-70 dps (.7 spirit scaling)
-30-second cooldown
Upgrade 1: +1 charge
Upgrade 2: reduce the fire rate of enemies inside by 30%
Upgrade 3: slow and damage amounts gain increased spirit scaling (.3/1.4)
Ultimate: Ethereal Portal - Create a two-way portal between two locations. A channeled ability where you walk between the locations you want connected. The initial cast is one location and the secondary cast is where it goes. Shooting, meleeing, or casting any ability ends the ability early. Darkness puddle is left behind, stand on it for a second to channel and begin teleporting similar duration to picking up an urn, the portal lasts for about 5-10 seconds. Enemies and friendlies can all take it. Appears as a dark black and purple puddle on the ground. Unsure if the ability should be limited by duration or range. I like the idea of it being limited by range so a Noire can hold onto it for a bit before placing it by not moving. I can see it being used to quickly group up your team for a sneaky mid-fight. Animation cancels reload. I like the mind game related to enemies taking the portal to potentially catch a Noire running away. Do I take the portal and risk getting a deadly counterattack? Is the risk worthwhile if the Noire is low hp?
Flavor text: channel shadow energy to connect two locations, allowing supernaturally fast transportation.
-90s cooldown
-90m max range, .5 spirit scaling
Upgrade 1: gain 4m/s move speed while channeling
Upgrade 2: gain invisibility while channeling
Upgrade 3: upon finishing the channel and exiting tp, gain 30% bullet and spirit life steal for 10 seconds
Base stats:
550hp (+31)
Health Regen of 2
-10% spirit resist
-10% melee resist
8.3m/s move speed
3 stamina
Light melee DMG: 69(2.67)
Heavy melee DMG: 128(4.91)
Unsure about gun stats at the moment but I'm thinking a gun similar to Yamato but no alt-fire or maybe a shotgun similar to the ones used by pocket/shiv/abrams. Also geist style gun could work. Regardless, I think a slow-fire rate weapon that has a short range works the best. All abilities are of course subject to change as well but I think this character design could be a great addition to the game. I look forward to any and all feedback ^w^
Game plan idea - Noire is a squishy close-range fighter designed around using an iframe to dodge big attacks, blinding enemies, and leaving them helpless in adamaging AOE. An ult designed for tricky escapes and entrances, as well as for transporting the team around. I was inspired to make a character with outplay potential similar to Pocket. I quite enjoy the concept of being disadvantaged in a raw fight but having abilities that when timed well can turn the tide in your favor. I also noticed a lack of blinding abilities often commonplace in hero shooters. A dark shadow-focused character named Noire seemed almost too perfect to not include in a 1930s supernatural hero shooter. A core theme of this character for me is outplay potential.
Visual ideas - Similar to Infernus, I was thinking they should be an otherworldly shadow creature, maybe a demon or devil. Woman dressed in a long black cocktail dress. Long flowing skirt with shadowy wisps ebbing from it. Black hair up in a classic updo, lacey shadowy elbow gloves, dark purple skin covered in wispy shadow, a shadowy veil covering the face.
Ability 1: Blinding Grasp - shadow hand-like puddle punch grabs at enemies blinding them and dealing light melee damage, parryable, affected by punch items
Flavor text: materialize a shadowy hand that deals damage and steals away the victim's sight for a short duration. This is considered a light melee attack.
-40m range
-Has charges
-30 second cooldown
-2 second Blind duration
Upgrade 1: removes 1 stamina, +1 charge
Upgrade 2: +40 DMG and +1 second Blind duration
Upgrade 3: -15% resists on hit while blinded
Ability 2: Shadow Jaunt - become incorporeal (iframe) for a short 1-second duration, gain move speed while inside, afterward infuse next gun attack with shadow energy adding spirit damage in a small aoe, this ability also gives noir 15 seconds of 15% DMG amp if they dodged an ability or heavy melee with the iframe. I like the idea of this ability allowing normal movement with enough time for a dash or dash jump but not much else. This ability should be quite strong in my opinion to negate having low hp and reduced spirit resistance. Animation cancels reload as well to allow some more skill expression
Flavor text: Sink into the realm of shadows for a short duration becoming untargettable and negating all damage. After emerging, your weapon becomes enveloped in shadow energy which adds additional spirit damage to your next shot. In addition, should Noire negate a hero ability or heavy melee with this ability, Noire gains a 15% damage amp for a short duration.
-Incorporeal duration: .5 second (.01 spirit scaling)
-Move speed: +4 m/s
-22 second cooldown
-Infused bullet DMG: 80 DMG (1.9x spirit scaling) - I think this damage should be additional, not replace the bullet damage, similar to mystic shot, possibly could be an AOE attack as well with a range similar to that of Yamato's alt fire but only for the spirit damage part.
Upgrade 1: -7 second down reduction
Upgrade 2: +15% fire rate after use, refresh 1 stamina
Upgrade 3: +100 dmg and damage amp increased by 15%
Ability 3: Churning Darkness - AOE darkness swirl that slows enemies and deals damage while inside. Grenade ability type similar to ivy kudzu or paradox nade. This ability is the one I'm least sure about or attached to as it's less unique. The idea came from blinding an enemy and them not being sure how to escape the aoe under their feet. I was also considering making it a passive that gives Noire damage amp when she parries or dodges abilities with Shadow Jaunt.
Flavor text: summon a swirling mass of grasping shadow hands that damage and slow enemies inside.
-4 second duration
-6m radius
-40% movement slow (.15 spirit scaling)
-70 dps (.7 spirit scaling)
-30-second cooldown
Upgrade 1: +1 charge
Upgrade 2: reduce the fire rate of enemies inside by 30%
Upgrade 3: slow and damage amounts gain increased spirit scaling (.3/1.4)
Ultimate: Ethereal Portal - Create a two-way portal between two locations. A channeled ability where you walk between the locations you want connected. The initial cast is one location and the secondary cast is where it goes. Shooting, meleeing, or casting any ability ends the ability early. Darkness puddle is left behind, stand on it for a second to channel and begin teleporting similar duration to picking up an urn, the portal lasts for about 5-10 seconds. Enemies and friendlies can all take it. Appears as a dark black and purple puddle on the ground. Unsure if the ability should be limited by duration or range. I like the idea of it being limited by range so a Noire can hold onto it for a bit before placing it by not moving. I can see it being used to quickly group up your team for a sneaky mid-fight. Animation cancels reload. I like the mind game related to enemies taking the portal to potentially catch a Noire running away. Do I take the portal and risk getting a deadly counterattack? Is the risk worthwhile if the Noire is low hp?
Flavor text: channel shadow energy to connect two locations, allowing supernaturally fast transportation.
-90s cooldown
-90m max range, .5 spirit scaling
Upgrade 1: gain 4m/s move speed while channeling
Upgrade 2: gain invisibility while channeling
Upgrade 3: upon finishing the channel and exiting tp, gain 30% bullet and spirit life steal for 10 seconds
Base stats:
550hp (+31)
Health Regen of 2
-10% spirit resist
-10% melee resist
8.3m/s move speed
3 stamina
Light melee DMG: 69(2.67)
Heavy melee DMG: 128(4.91)
Unsure about gun stats at the moment but I'm thinking a gun similar to Yamato but no alt-fire or maybe a shotgun similar to the ones used by pocket/shiv/abrams. Also geist style gun could work. Regardless, I think a slow-fire rate weapon that has a short range works the best. All abilities are of course subject to change as well but I think this character design could be a great addition to the game. I look forward to any and all feedback ^w^