Background: The grannies Su have long lurked the alleys of New York's Chinatown, protecting the area and locals from those who would do them harm. Some say they are the vengeful ancestral spirits of the earliest Chinese immigrant families, others say that they are witches using the occult to keep the traditions alive, and others claim that they are jiangshi that have been around since the Qing dynasty. Nobody can say for sure.

Firearm: The eldest Su sister, acting as the front legs, wields a minigun that shoots fireworks. Like Bebop, the minigun has a windup and has a somewhat slower fire rate, but the projectiles explode in an area of effect.
The Lion Dance -- combo system: The Su Sisters' primary abilities operate on a 1-2-3 combo system, where for a limited window they can use any of the three abilities in succession (in any order, including the same ability repeatedly) with the third ability having significantly increased potency as a "combo ender." After the 3rd ability has been cast or the window has ended, all three abilities go on cooldown. These abilities are also accompanied with a traditional drum/cymbal sound effect so that the combo order is clear to enemies and allies alike.
4. (Separate from the combo system) The lion is enveloped in constant fireworks that deal damage to nearby enemies and it's movement speed greatly increases for a time. During the duration of this ability the Lion Dance's combo ender does not trigger a cooldown.

Firearm: The eldest Su sister, acting as the front legs, wields a minigun that shoots fireworks. Like Bebop, the minigun has a windup and has a somewhat slower fire rate, but the projectiles explode in an area of effect.
The Lion Dance -- combo system: The Su Sisters' primary abilities operate on a 1-2-3 combo system, where for a limited window they can use any of the three abilities in succession (in any order, including the same ability repeatedly) with the third ability having significantly increased potency as a "combo ender." After the 3rd ability has been cast or the window has ended, all three abilities go on cooldown. These abilities are also accompanied with a traditional drum/cymbal sound effect so that the combo order is clear to enemies and allies alike.
- The Lion does a short but quick forward lunge, biting any enemies it collides with. Also considered a melee and scales accordingly. As a combo ender, the lunge does considerable knockback.
- The eldest Su sister throws out spinning firecrackers, that slide and explode in an area a short distance ahead of the Lion for a short duration. As a combo ender, firecrackers will additionally explode around the Lion's immediate vicinity.
- The elder Su sister (the tall one acting as the hind legs) throws out needles and caltrops around the Lion, that deny an area for a time and slows and damages any enemy that steps on them. As a combo ender, Elder Su also fires a double-barrage of needles forward. At the highest upgrade, also applies the toxic bullets debuff.
4. (Separate from the combo system) The lion is enveloped in constant fireworks that deal damage to nearby enemies and it's movement speed greatly increases for a time. During the duration of this ability the Lion Dance's combo ender does not trigger a cooldown.