Hero Concept: The Rat Kings of New York


New member
The Rat Kings of New York
A concept spawned by some conversations with friends about 'how to convert Meepo to Deadlock'.

Additional Passive:
A team can have any number of Rat Kings, although the chance lowers the more Rat Kings there are on a team. A game can have a maximum of six Rat Kings in it, but they must all be on the same team.
Chances: Two Rat Kings, 80%; three Rat Kings, 50%; four Rat Kings, 25%; five Rat Kings, 10%; six Rat Kings, 5%.

Each Rat King has a small, inaccurate submachine gun, similar looking to a Sten gun. Each of the six Rat Kings have a different weapon and different clothes - despite their differences however they're all still filthy rodents underneath it all.
Rat King 1 is Arthur, a hoity toity rat from across the pond with a tall crown, a sword, and a regal cloak.
Rat King 2 is Betty, a ravenous socialite with a dainty crown, a baseball bat with nails hammered into it, and a flapper dress.
Rat King 3
is Costelo, a businessrat with a wide crown on his bowler hat. Has a heavy, diamond tipped cane and a suit.
Rat King 4 is Daphne, a sewer rat with a crown of rusty scrap, a lead pipe, and covered in rubbish and bags.
Rat King 5 is Epsilon, an albino rat from a spirit lab with a crown of electrodes in their head, a cattle prod, wearing a lab coat.
Rat King 6 is Filch, who's actually a mouse pretending to be a rat but he's big enough for it. Has a fancy, jewelled crown that he stole, a crowbar, and a black and white burglar's outfit.
The Rat King picked isn't in order, each has an equal chance of being chosen by a player who spawns in as a Rat King, although duplicates aren't allowed.

The Rat Kings of New York, the hottest rodents of the underground, are traditionally set at each other's throats, in dispute over how the rats of the city should live. Warfare and bloodshed all happens under the feet of the everyday New Yorkers on the surface without them suspecting a thing. The old Rat Kings have all died off however, and the new generation has some strange ideas like 'looking presentable' and 'going aboveground' and 'working together'. And so the Rat Kings made a spiritual pact to cooperate and become the big cheeses of New York, and get the Big Apple for themselves.

* Indicates number scales with spirit
1. Pestilence
Active: For
10s*, the Rat King's bullets build up Pestilence on targets. Units take 10* spirit damage every second for each stack of Pestilence on them, up to a maximum of five stacks. If a unit has four or more stacks on them, they're silenced and take double damage from Pestilence. A stack of Pestilence drops off after two seconds of not being shot with Pestilence. Each bullet adds 20% of a stack of Pestilence to a target, or 30% on a headshot. Multiple Rat Kings can apply Pestilence to a target at once.
Cooldown 60s.
Level 1: -20s cooldown. Level 2: At 2 stacks, enemies have their fire rate slowed by 15%. Level 3: Added Passive: Rat King's bullets build up 5% pestilence even when it isn't active, or 10% on headshots. This is additive with the active's percentages.

2. Lunge
Active: The Rat King lunges forward with their melee weapon and sharp teeth 5 metres. For each enemy hit, that unit takes 100* damage and is slowed by 20%.
Cooldown 15s
Level 1: Max range increased by 3m. Level 2: Enemy heroes hit by Lunge are dealt 5% of their max health in addition to the flat damage. Level 3: When an enemy hero dies within two seconds of being hit by Lunge, Lunge's cooldown refreshes.

3. Adaptability
Passive: The Rat King can climb any wall that isn't on the very edge of the map by jumping or lunging into it. They can't fire their gun, use abilities, or use items while climbing.
Active: The Rat King switches which hand their gun is in (the camera switches to their other shoulder).
Cooldown: 5s
Level 1: When the Rat King breaks a crate or statue in the environment, there is a 33%* chance of it containing Delicious Garbage along with any other bonuses, which heals them for 5% of their max health and gives them a 15% faster reload speed for 10s. Level 2: Rat King gains an additional stamina. Level 3: Rat King deals 10%* additional weapon damage as spirit damage when it's 1 metre or more above its target.

4. Eminent Domain
Passive: Rat Kings within 20 metres of one another link their tails together and provide each other an additional 1m/s move speed, 10% fire rate, and 1s reduced cooldown on all their abilities. When a Rat King dies with 20 metres of another Rat King, the alive Rat King gets the reverse effects, and has to carry the dead Rat King around. The dead Rat King respawns with the alive Rat King they were attached to if able.
Active: Target any allied hero on the map. The Rat King quickly descends to the ground if airborne, then wrenches open a secret passage to the sewers after a 5s channel and teleports to that ally, exploding out of the ground at their location and dealing 150* damage to any enemy around them. If that ally isn't a Rat King, they're temporarily crowned as one for 20 seconds and get the passive, non-death benefits of Eminent Domain, tethering to any Rat Kings nearby.
Cooldown: 10s + 1s per three metres travelled.
Level 1: Channel is reduced to 2.5s. Level 2: Enemies who walk between the tails of Eminent Domain are dealt 25* damage (each Rat King deals damage separately). Level 3: Rat King and the ally targeted are immune to bullets for 5s after teleportation.
The actual way to have meepo on deadlock is to have 5 creature standing on top of each other under the same trench coat.
The actual way to have meepo on deadlock is to have 5 creature standing on top of each other under the same trench coat.
Funnily enough this was actually option #2 for this concept, where two players control the same hero like Cho'gall from Heroes of the Storm - one on the legs and one on the arms, and they could switch. I thought it would probably be too annoying to play though so it would be difficult to balance the strength of the hero(es) vs them being difficult to play + coordinate.