Hero Concept: Skeleton Kingpin (Original Idea definitely not skeleton king) hail to the king baby...


New member
The Skeleton Kingpin, once an infamous mob boss, was resurrected by dark magic after a betrayal (maybe some Wraith lore here) that left him dead and buried in a shallow grave. Now a skeletal figure shrouded in mysticism, he retains the ruthless cunning of his former self but with dark powers that allow him to control the living and the dead. With a Cane made from bones and otherworldly materials, Skeleton Kingpin seeks to reclaim his empire, terrorizing the streets with undead minions and supernatural abilities. Loves bone puns.

Auto Attack (Left Click):
Bone Cane– Skeleton Kingpin's weapon a boney cane that seconds as a gun and can fire at a slow rate but does high base damage low ammo.
Auto Attack (Left Click):
Bone Throw - Skeleton Kingpin throws his enemies a short range bone that splinters and does aoe damage. (Similar to goo man but shorter range about 10 meters and the tradeoff is more damage, more aoe range, good for finishing off escaping enemies uses 50% of ammo)


1. Rattle them Bones (1)​

Type: Skillshot
Description: Skeleton Kingpin fires a volley of bone projectiles in a cone, dealing physical damage to all enemies hit. Enemies struck by multiple projectiles take increased damage and are slowed by 20% for 2 seconds.
Scaling: Damage increases based on his current spirit power and applies additional scaling for enemies with less than 50% HP.
Cooldown: 30 seconds

2. Protection Racket (2)​

Type: Buff/Shield
Description: Skeleton Kingpin shields himself or an ally with spectral souls(bones?), absorbing damage for 4 seconds. If the shield is broken, the enemy who dealt the final damage is briefly rooted for 1.5 seconds and takes retaliation damage.
Bonus Effect: While the shield is active, Skeleton Kingpin or the targeted ally gains bonus attack speed.
Cooldown: 20 seconds

(Maybe can be stronger based on the total souls gathered in a match or scaled with how many souls are held as it's leveled up)

3. A Bone to Pick (3)​

Type: Targeted
Description: Skeleton Kingpin sends a spectral gangster to possess an enemy minion or neutral monster, converting it to his side for 10 seconds. The minion gains bonus attack damage and movement speed and prioritizes attacking enemy heroes. If used on an enemy hero, it slows them for 3 seconds and applies a weak damage-over-time effect.
Cooldown: 45 seconds

(Maybe the highest level of this could be used on heroes with less than 10 % health or the ability can be used on recently killed heroes to make a much stronger minion.

Ultimate: Hail to the King Baby (4)

Type: AoE/Revive Passive
Description: Upon death, Skeleton Kingpin plants a grave at the point of his demise. After 5 seconds, he revives with 50% health, stunning enemies within a medium radius for 1.5 seconds and summoning 3 skeletal mobsters to fight for him. These mobsters last for 10 seconds, dealing damage and blocking enemy projectiles with their ethereal forms.
Cooldown: 120 seconds


Skeleton Kingpin is a bruiser with strong control abilities, great at finishing off low-health enemies while offering utility to his team. His ability to shield and debuff enemies through "Protection Racket" and control minions or monsters with provides versatility in both offensive and defensive scenarios. His ultimate gives him significant team-fight presence, allowing him to return from death with a fresh wave of minions.

Visual Concept:
Skeleton Kingpin appears in a tattered pinstriped suit with a fedora, his body made entirely of bone, but with a slick gangster aesthetic. His Cane Gun appears to be forged from bones, with spectral smoke emanating from it as it fires. His summoned mobsters are similarly skeletal, wearing old gangster outfits, and his ultimate brings forth a dramatic explosion of dark energy as he revives with eerie laughter(not SK).

Thank you for reading my totally not Skeleton King concept and have a great day.
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