[Hero Concept] Shopkeeper's Son


Active member
Goal: make the family business rich.
this guy should be a ton of fun with bullet spirit and support functionality. Also he can switch his items around way easier than most.

Base Stats
Regen 2
Stamina 3
Speed 7
Sprint 2

Base Health +35
Spirit resist +1%
Weapon damage +1.2

Collection of Pluggers
12 ammo pistols
3 shots per second
18 damage
Reload 1.2 seconds
Ammo cannot increase. Instead the % increase of ammo is treated as a -% on reload time, which is how long it takes for the Shopkeeper's son to grab another gun. Flat ammo increases are calculated as a % of base ammo.

Ability 1 Blacklisting Tag
, starts with 2. Time between charges 1 second.
Cooldown 16 seconds
Throw a tag that marks someone as blacklisted from your store, deals 10% (scales 0.1% with spirit) of the damage you deal to them as Spirit damage.
Doesn't stack.
+2% for each active blacklisting.
Duration 5 seconds.
Upgrade 1. +1 charges.
Upgrade 2. Duration +5 seconds.
Upgrade 2. Damage amp +5%, +1% for each active blacklisting.

Ability 2. Pop-up Booth
Cooldown 32s
Radius 8 meters
Duration 5 seconds
Place a pop-up Booth in front of you. It heals continuously in a radius, and has a self-destruct failsafe which you can activate by pressing the ability again or which activated at the end of the duration.
Healing per second: 20, scales .6 with spirit.
Time to detonate: 2 seconds.
Damage: 120, scales 2 with spirit.
Upgrade 1. Stuns blacklisted enemies for .7 seconds.
Upgrade 2. Time to detonate -1 second. Healing increases 15% per second.
Upgrade 3. Cooldown -16s, radius +2 meters, duration +1 second.

Ability 3. Wares

You may shop anywhere if you haven't taken damage from a player in the past 5 seconds. Allies may use you as a shop if neither of you have taken damage from a player in the past 5 seconds.
Additionally, this ability can gain the properties of a tier 1 item you have. Use this ability with the shop open to imbue it to an item. Use this ability with the shop closed to use active items.
Upgrade 1. You can sell items for 90% of their cost.
Upgrade 2. The item may be tier 2
Upgrade 3. The item may be a tier 3.

Ability 4. Impulse Buys
Cooldown 60s
Set up your booth and use one of your impulse purchase items.
Duration of booth/time to choose 3 seconds.
Your 1-4 abilities change.

Ability 1. Mini gun
Spread like Viper's gun.
150 base DPS.
15 bullets per second, 10 damage.
Infinite ammo.
20% less move speed.
+500 bullet shield.
Duration 5 seconds.

Ability 2. Motorcycle
Move speed +7.
+500 bullet shield.
Duration 10 seconds.

Ability 3. Rocket
Select an within 40 meters. The shop converts into a rocket that flies up and turns to hit that spot in a 3 second flight. It explodes in contact with the ground or a person.
Explosion radius: 8 meters
Damage 200, scales 1 with spirit.
Area lights on fire. 80 DPS. Scales 0.7 with spirit.
Burn duration 5 seconds.
Stuns targets for 1 second.

Ability 4. Cancel ultimate.
Cooldown -30 seconds.

Upgrade 1. Blacklist everyone you damage with impulse Buys (or while on the motorcycle) with a -50% duration.
Upgrade 2. Passive: item cooldown reduction +35%.
Upgrade 3. Cooldown -15 seconds.