Hero Concept: Shellshock


New member

Idea of the hero was to have abilities that compliments each other while allowing you to either focus on a spirit build or melee build.

Water Gush - Spits out water dealing spirit damage and apply -10% spirit resist. Starts with 2 charge

Reduce cooldown / faster time between charge / +1 charge and spirit debuff now stacks

Lunge Snap - Enter your shell and extend your head to bite dealing spirit damage. You can hold the ability up to 2 seconds to launch yourself forward (the longer you hold, the further you launch yourself) 40s cooldown

Reduce cooldown by 5s for every second not holding / +3s Maximum hold / +20 light melee damage, +50 heavy melee damage and instead scales with heavy melee damage (skill now deals melee damage instead of spirit)

Shell Slam - Enter your shell to slam down on the ground dealing spirit damage and stun based on height, up to 1s

Increase melee damage by 10 for every enemy hero hit for 5 seconds / Increase radius / +2s maximum stun duration

Water Spin - Enter your shell and start spinning, throwing water around you dealing spirit damage and slowing enemies within X meters.

Reduce cooldown / Reduce enemy stamina / Increase duration + damage

Has 40% weapon damage resist while inside his shell.

Shellshock Attack.png

Example of using Lunge Snap into Shell Slam
Neat concept, my only gripe with it is that the whole "choose between melee and spirit build" feels tacked on, since his abilities don't really add buff/change your melee outside of skill upgrades (which feel tacked on), I'd suggest you take the melee buff from the upgrades and slot them into the skills by default, as having them as an upgrade doesn't really make them "optional" since you're going to end up with them eventually, so eventually you'll have to build into the melee otherwise you're not making full use of those upgrades and then it's not really a choice. Nice art!
Neat concept, my only gripe with it is that the whole "choose between melee and spirit build" feels tacked on, since his abilities don't really add buff/change your melee outside of skill upgrades (which feel tacked on), I'd suggest you take the melee buff from the upgrades and slot them into the skills by default, as having them as an upgrade doesn't really make them "optional" since you're going to end up with them eventually, so eventually you'll have to build into the melee otherwise you're not making full use of those upgrades and then it's not really a choice. Nice art!

You're totally right, I too heavily focused on early to mid game but if game stalls long enough you would end up with it anyway, thanks!