[Hero Concept] Reaper


New member



Jack Callister was walking through Central Park in New York City with his daughter, Lisa, when the Maelstrom occurred. During the event, he and his daughter were consumed by astral gates and found themselves in an alternate reality. To survive and save his daughter, he had to make a deal with a local patron, who granted him the power to survive and bring his daughter home. Now, he must collect souls for his patron, or the patron will claim his and his daughter's souls.


Reaper's weapon is a double-barreled shotgun that can fire shells one at a time or both at once.


1. Cursed Bullets​

Reaper loads two cursed shells into his shotgun. Hitting an enemy with these shells deals bonus spiritual damage and applies a curse. Cursed enemies cannot heal while the curse is active.

  1. Curse also slows
  2. Cooldown reduction
  3. Cursed enemies take spiritual damage when they attempt to heal

2. Specter of Death​

Reaper enters a ghost-like form and sequentially teleports from enemy to enemy within a specified area, firing a point-blank shot at each, dealing bonus damage. (Functionally similar to Ember Spirit's W from Dota 2.) After firing at each enemy in the area, Reaper appears at the edge of the area, opposite the direction he was facing at the end of the ability. Shots fired in ghost form consume cursed bullets. The ability has charges.

  1. Additional charge
  2. Increased radius
  3. Killing an enemy hero restores one charge and refreshes the charge cooldown

3. Will to Live​

(Passive) When damage is received, the lost HP goes into a rally bar. The rally bar decays rapidly after 2 seconds. Dealing damage restores HP as long as rally bar is active, and reduces the rally bar by the amount of HP restored. Healing effectiveness from creeps is 10%. Rally bar does not prevent death.

  1. +1 second before the rally bar begins to decay
  2. Damage amplification based on the percentage of HP held in the rally bar
  3. With a long cooldown, upon taking lethal damage, the character restores 10% HP and dispels all negative effects from himself

4. Harvest time​

Reaper flies a short distance into the air and draws a scythe from behind his back, then swiftly attacks a designated area. Enemies within the area take spiritual damage based on the amount of their missing HP.

  1. Cooldown Reduction
  2. Healing received based on damage to enemies who die from your ultimate ability.
  3. Ability ignores spirit resist

General Gameplay Description​

The character has a small health pool and damage resistance, surviving in fights by dealing damage to the enemy and being able to avoid damage/control with ability 2. The shotgun as a weapon forces him into close combat. Vulnerable to crowd control.
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