Hero Concept: Pied Piper


Support / Pusher Hero

A charismatic Bard with a cyber-medieval look.


Spell 1: Rat Swarm

  • Sends out a wave of rats that attack the nearest enemies.
  • Rats have low health and damage but are good for pushing and harassment.
  • Counter: AoE damage.

Spell 2: Rat Out

  • Transforms into a rat, gaining 0.5 seconds of invulnerability and increased speed for the duration.
  • Useful for escaping and dodging powerful spells.

Spell 3: Rat's Song

  • Plays a song that boosts the regeneration and attack speed of allies in an area.
  • Excellent support spell, enhancing the pushing capabilities and survivability of allies.

Spell 4 (Ultimate): Rat's Dance

  • Forces enemies in an area to gather around the Piper and dance in a circle.
  • Functions as an AoE stun. Deals no or low damage, making it ideal for team fights.
  • Has a high cooldown.

I don't know how to art, so here are some images an AI coughed back at me when tasked to sketch her:


  • Piper (1).jpeg
    Piper (1).jpeg
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    Piper (2).jpeg
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    Piper (3).jpeg
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    Piper (4).jpeg
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I had a similar idea recently except it's a saxophone blues player that controls rats by playing blues/jazz music. As far as I'm aware, the setting is about 1860s - 1900s; blues/early jazz was developing during that time period so it be pretty cool to see this dude with a saxophone controlling rats around.

I did a little more researching and realized that Frank Sinatra's Rat Pack group existing during this time period as well so it would be cool having a guy have some sort of rat singing group or something.
I like the idea of hero’s summoning units to fight with them. Precedent exists already with engineer girl (I can’t remember her name right now)