Hero Concept: Pestilence


New member
More of a traditional healer with their abilities, but they need to do damage to heal better.
*as to simplify, I will be calling them Pest from here on

Main Weapon: Pest's main weapon would be similar to Yamato's alt fire, but faster and less damage. I do like the idea of it give a small AOE like Yamato's alt fire as well.

Throw a fleshy bomb that heals your team, but if it hits the enemy it gives the team "true-vision" letting you see them through walls for a short time. (Charge based ability, such as Kelvin's Ice Bombs.)

2 ABILITY: An ability you lay down that gives a boost pad, giving you a fleetfoot effect for a short time, and if you jump off of it, it launches you like the rooftop fans. (long cooldown so purchasing fleetfoot is still a good idea. 30 seconds maybe)

3 ABILITY: I'm thinking something similar to the, as un-released, Nano cat statues, but, they deal no damage. They charge up when you do damage to enemies in the area, and you can "pop" the statues to release a heal to those around in the area. I believe you should have to directly punch the statue to "pop" it so its a risk/reward, as just pressing "3" for big healing would feel unfair to the enemy. Decent burst healing if they arent destroyed by the enemy soon. (Enemy destroying the statues would still heal you, but less. Enemies may shoot them? Becuase it would be unfair to have to make them get ouut of position to minimize the healing you get. Statue's health is similar to McGninni's turret health share) Maybe having a thin fleshy cord attached from the statue so the enemy can find it without frustration.

I think it would be a big Gas ball you pop that "confuses enemies" Making them unable to see healthbars, and monochroming their display. Mono, or sepiatone just sounds like a fun/annoying addition. wouldn't do much other than unable to tell if minions are yours or not, but it'd annoying.

A passive ability that adds stacks how much damage you do, then activate it to bust heal around you. It would be nasty, but an indicator as pustules on Pest's back growing, then popping on activate. (a proc cooldown similar to Mirage's stacks.)

Different Ult Idea: I've thought about maybe reversing the enemy controls, and giving your team movement boosts but they may feel awful to play against.

Valve has very talented character designers and story tellers, but here are my brief thoughts on how the character would be like.
I'm thinking they would be a short gremlin abomination, that the entire team is kind of off putted by, but they appreciate their healing. Although they arent sure what Pest's allegneces are, and deffiently think they shouldn't be enjoying the healing. The character cannot speak, but they would talk in a very fast, wild babble. Think: Donnie Thornberry.