Hero Concept: "Painting the Town"


New member
Hi! I had an idea while waiting out for the bus this morning, and I would like to share it with y'all.

I think it'd be interesting if there were a Hero who had a special painterly/goo-spreading/gel-laying gimmick, similar to how Propulsion/Repulsion Gel works in Portal 2. Someone who could spray surfaces with a gel that's bouncy for instance, that would accelerate momentum when dashed into it (either downward or sideways). Perhaps the paint/gel could also be sprayed onto allies/enemies, making them bouncy as well? I think it'd make for some real fun interactions and play-making material, and with the proper styling, they'd be a great addition to the roster!!
So, here's what I've got so far:

: Auto-Pistol, something fast-firing but low DMG. Should bring to mind a skirmisher if built for gun, or a medic if built for support.

Ability 1 "Air Blast": Deals Spirit DMG in a close-range cone, and blasts the targets backward from the Hero. If the Hero is in the air, they're also blasted backwards from the recoil. Short Cooldown, but is generally low DMG even after upgrading.
(Upgrade Idea): If the target is covered in Paint, hitting a surface should cause them to take DMG and bounce off it.

Ability 2 "Quicksilver Paints": Something supportive, perhaps a radial ability ala Overwatch Lucio that increases self and ally Movespeed? I think this Hero should have a more supportive niche, similar to Kelvin.
(Upgrade Idea): Perhaps this could reduce the Stamina Cooldown timer while active? Perhaps it could increase the effects of the Paint on Allies, allowing them to fly across the map if they hit a good angle??

Ability 3 "Gouache": I think making the Paint a passive would be interesting, as I've got a couple ideas for what it can do. Firstly, the Paint should cause those who're coated in it to receive knockback/knockups more heavily. Dynamo 1 for instance would knock them up a bit further (but not increase the time they're locked out of movement). When the Paint is sprayed on the environment, it causes it to become bouncy. Jumping on it should cause the Hero to bounce at least once before settling back down. Additionally, Rolling while on the Paint could cause the Hero to skip a little, like a stone on water.
(Upgrade Idea): I think that the Hero should be able to activate this Ability after some upgrades to reabsorb any Paint that's nearby, adding it back into their reserves. This would also work on enemies covered in the Paint too. Perhaps this could be an upgrade of the Ultimate instead?
(Upgrade Idea): Something simple, like the Paint increasing the Gun DMG done to the target but causing the Paint to eventually dry up (and thus the debuff goes away).

Ability 4 "Paint Gun": The Gimmick. Whip out the Paint Gun, and start spraying down the environment. Could be a toggled ability, but definitely needs a meter/tank indicator that recharges with time. Cooldown increases the rate at which the tank refills with Paint. Don't think it should deal DMG to enemies, but it should coat them in Paint and make them vulnerable to its effects.
(Upgrade Idea): The Paint Gun confers just a bit of knockback when focused on a Target, causing them to bounce around if they don't make an effort to CC the Hero and/or correct their tragectory. Perhaps at the highest rank this could even keep a target in the air if you're beneath them?? That'd be funny, but it MIGHT be a little too ridiculous for this game lol

I think there'd need to be more ways of dealing DMG for this Hero, as even Kelvin has 2 DMG-dealing Abilities in his kit. Maybe Quicksilver Paints also grants Spirit DMG on bullets ala Wraith? Either way, I really really like this concept, and I think it'd be fun as hell to synergize with the other Heroes in the game to see what sort of crazy movement we could get up to.

Thank you for reading!
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