[Hero Concept] Ophrys, the hero with a new blinding mechanic

i don't think his kit works with each other pretty well, it's all around the place not being coherent at all

all of the characters in deadlock have their abilities work with each other, this kit is nowhere close this

i'd rework it this way

1. Back-alley surgery - instead of what u made, this will allow for ophrys to buff his creeps or debuff enemy creeps, if enemy is close enough, ophrys can temporarily hold them in place and apply multiple bleed instances causing longer cooldown in the process

2. Observer Ward See-through Gateway - Removed Observer Ward because a) it's useless for the Ophrys Kit and B) Ophrys contrasted to other characters except bebop lacks any movement, it feels like it was thrown there, what i'd do is keep the concept of eyes on walls, but Ophrys with this will be able to put permament (although destroyable) 'portals', these would be placeable only up to 15-20 meters away from a guardian/walker so it's not placed in some cancerous spots, but it allows for extremely handy movement of ophrys for possible future flanks as well as moving his team around, would be great with coordination like telling kelvin wen to tp to bubble enemy team

3. Medical Intervention - moved this a level higher because it isn't a movement ability, ophrys can heal using nearby creeps health, doesn't matter if friendly or enemy, if enemy was attacked by back-alley surgery, the dealt damage from bleed will stack up and provide this much health to ophrys himself

His ult won't be changed, it compliments the rest of this kit
i don't think his kit works with each other pretty well, it's all around the place not being coherent at all

all of the characters in deadlock have their abilities work with each other, this kit is nowhere close this

i'd rework it this way

1. Back-alley surgery - instead of what u made, this will allow for ophrys to buff his creeps or debuff enemy creeps, if enemy is close enough, ophrys can temporarily hold them in place and apply multiple bleed instances causing longer cooldown in the process

2. Observer Ward See-through Gateway - Removed Observer Ward because a) it's useless for the Ophrys Kit and B) Ophrys contrasted to other characters except bebop lacks any movement, it feels like it was thrown there, what i'd do is keep the concept of eyes on walls, but Ophrys with this will be able to put permament (although destroyable) 'portals', these would be placeable only up to 15-20 meters away from a guardian/walker so it's not placed in some cancerous spots, but it allows for extremely handy movement of ophrys for possible future flanks as well as moving his team around, would be great with coordination like telling kelvin wen to tp to bubble enemy team

3. Medical Intervention - moved this a level higher because it isn't a movement ability, ophrys can heal using nearby creeps health, doesn't matter if friendly or enemy, if enemy was attacked by back-alley surgery, the dealt damage from bleed will stack up and provide this much health to ophrys himself

His ult won't be changed, it compliments the rest of this kit
Thank you, these are some solid changes for better, I'll make sure to learn a lesson or two from this the next time I post a hero concept ^^
I really like the work you put into this design. Even though the abilities don't push him into a coherent kind of role, there are interesting details scattered throughout. The two-part ability that requires that you utilize a lane is an interesting idea. If I were in the seat of the designer here, I would be thinking about how I can push this concept further. Right now, the meta of the game is really focused around rotations to maximize farm. You've got the eyes scout ability, but I don't know how effective this could actually be in game. I have a lot of questions, like, can you have multiple instances of this up, and if so, is that just confusing for the player who doesn't know which eye is being triggered? And by line of sight, does this mean that any enemy from no matter how far away will trigger this eye? The core concept behind the ability is solid, but I think the details should get sorted out, and I think this could fit into this developing theme of a laner, or an anti-laner of sorts.
Yes for multiple instances. I was thinking about three. You could cycle through them using the mouse scroll or via pressing "5", "6", "7". To avoid confusion, there will be a short animation on the minimap.

Regarding from how far away it can be seen, let's say it's semi-invisible, and you can spot it through the RMB zoom, Vindicta's ult and so on, and the full visibility is achieved if you're in a certain radius and have unobstructed vision of a placed ward. The radius is maybe similar to Seven's ult with no upgrades or slightly smaller? And the explosion radius is several times smaller of that, but is scalable with items or Spirit.
I really like the work you put into this design. Even though the abilities don't push him into a coherent kind of role, there are interesting details scattered throughout. The two-part ability that requires that you utilize a lane is an interesting idea. If I were in the seat of the designer here, I would be thinking about how I can push this concept further. Right now, the meta of the game is really focused around rotations to maximize farm. You've got the eyes scout ability, but I don't know how effective this could actually be in game. I have a lot of questions, like, can you have multiple instances of this up, and if so, is that just confusing for the player who doesn't know which eye is being triggered? And by line of sight, does this mean that any enemy from no matter how far away will trigger this eye? The core concept behind the ability is solid, but I think the details should get sorted out, and I think this could fit into this developing theme of a laner, or an anti-laner of sorts.
Forgot to reply directly, view the previous post in this topic ^^