Hero Concept: Lotto - Soul based hero


New member
So I had this idea for Dota a year or so ago, but I feel it fits Deadlock even better. It's super unrefined but just conceptually I always thought a hero based around gold (or souls) as a unique mechanic would be cool.

The concept is a Soul based hero, that trades off souls for various benefits and bets them. A banking themed hero that fits with the Deadlock Theme very well.

"Lotto doesn't know the streets of New York. He doesn't need to. He had the riff-raff come to him. After all, the dirty money had to be laundered somehow. And there was no one who could pull strings in the board room, or the back office, better than him. There were... objections regarding his methods in the past. However, his grin never quite faded, as the money kept piling up. After all - Greed is Good."

1st Skill: Sell your soul
Lotto chucks a soul that deals damage based on the difference in current Souls between you and the opponent, if the damage would be smaller than x, it deals x and slows for 30%. Cost a small amount of souls to use
1 AP: +Radius and -CD
2 AP: Better Scaling
5 AP: Always slows MS and slows fire rate when "broke"

2nd Skill: Feed the Rich
Lotto imbues his next attack with bonus damage and steals x Souls based on level. Troopers killed this way don't release Orbs (same as melee)
1 AP: -CD
2 AP: + Movement speed and Projectile speed while charged
5 AP: AOE on impact with full effect

3rd Skill (channeled, passive bonuses): Invest in yourself
Lotto permanently gains Spirit Power and Spirit resist as he channels to spend souls
1 AP +10% Souls gained from all sources
2 AP +x% Spirit power and x% Spirit resist
5 AP +x% Bullet resist

Capitalist Frenzy
Activated AoE Buff around Lotto that gives move speed and fire rate
1 AP -CD
2 AP +Duration
5 AP Stronger effect plus Spirit Power

I would love to see a hero like this in some game, perhaps vastly changed but a hero that balances a stockpile of money, or to spend. Buy and sell, holds, puts, calls. Feedback welcome!

All the best and great job on the game so far devs!

Lee aka Frizzy