[Hero concept] Jellyfish man (tank)


Active member
You can imagine for the character model someone with a similar shape to viscous but blue and tentacles running down his back. When he uses his passive he expands into a circular jellyfish shape with the tentacles behind him.

This character is supposed to be slower and rely on stamina for movement more. He has ways of reducing damage and healing and being dangerous up close while having far range functionality imbedded in his gun. I think this character would be immense fun and I personally would want a character like this to play.

Base Stats
Health 570
Regen 3
Speed 6.0
Sprint 0.5
Stamina 3

Gun has a 1.5 second buildup. Starts shooting 4 bullets per second, increases to 6 bullets per second. At the full buildup the gun shoots a shotgun blast of 15 pellets doing 3 damage each
The gun must start over the buildup every time the shotgun blast happens.
When you stop shooting before reaching the shotgun blast the buildup decays, and increases again when you start shooting.
The shotgun blast takes 1 ammo.
Bullet damage 10.
DPS with shotgun blast 80.

Health +40
Bullet damage +0.5
Shotgun damage +0.25
Spirit resist +1%

1. Tentacle Snatch
Connect to target enemy within 10 meters.
A tentacle connects you that cannot be stretched beyond it's initial length.
It deals 30dps with 100% lifesteal. Spirit scaling 0.2
If one person pulls on the tentacle then both will be moved that way. If both are moving their speed vectors that would stretch the tentacle cancel out. Whoever moves faster pulls the other.
Cooldown 40.
Duration 5 seconds.
Upgrade 1. -15s cooldown.
Upgrade 2. +30 damage.
Upgrade 3. +20% bullet and spirit lifesteal against the target.

2. Current
Create a current.
These can be made along rail lines (under them) or as a straight horizontal line connecting two rails depending which way you are facing.
+3 move speed while you are in them and half benefits to allies.
All heroes deal -30% damage while shooting in or through a current.
Radius 3 meters.
Length 50 meters.
Duration 5s
Upgrade 1. x3 Regen while in a current and for 4 seconds after.
Upgrade 2. Cooldown -10s. +1 sprint speed.
Upgrade 3. When the current is created it stuns enemies caught in it for 1 second and deals 200 spirit damage scales 1 with spirit.

3. Pulsation
+15% stamina regeneration.
When you use stamina you expand as a large jellyfish with +20% model size and deal damage to anyone you touch.
30% damage resistance while pulsing.
Spirit damage 60 scales 0.5 with spirit. 50% lifesteal.
Upgrade 1. +1 stamina
Upgrade 2. +40 base damage, +1 air dash, +1 air jump.
Upgrade 3. +0.7 spirit scaling, +10% stamina regeneration

4. Murky Depths
Cooldown 110 seconds.
Fall to the ground almost instantly when cast.
A wave moves along the ground at 15 meters per second.
When it reaches its full range it disappears. Doesn't go up walls but does go down them.
Anyone touched by the wave loses all stamina and has their maximum vision reduced to 10 meters for the duration.
The wave only reaches 2 meters off the ground.
Damage 50 spirit scaling 1. Lifesteal 100%.
Range 40 meters.
Duration 6 seconds.
Upgrade 1. +80 damage.
Upgrade 2. Wave height increased to 5 meters.
Upgrade 3. Duration +3 seconds.
Forgot to put ammo!not a big deal but, its supposed to be 24 He shoots 8 rounds per 1.5 seconds with the shotgun blast so this gives 3 buildup shotgun blast rounds.
Funny we both posted a jellyfish hero on the same day.
My favorite part is actually the passive, while I think the first ability could have a multi-target later on. Also, just for clarification, can you only use Current on a zipline, or you can do something like, say, make currents in a tunnel underground for rotating?
Funny we both posted a jellyfish hero on the same day.
My favorite part is actually the passive, while I think the first ability could have a multi-target later on. Also, just for clarification, can you only use Current on a zipline, or you can do something like, say, make currents in a tunnel underground for rotating?
Oh I didn't see your post! I'll look for it.

The first ability having a multi targetting is definitely an interesting thought. Like really interesting. Though since you can drag people around with it that might get too strong? Or maybe not... I'll have to make a draft of that version of the ability.

The current can be made under zipliness or connecting ziplines horizontally. Originally it went the whole length of the Zipline then I added a 50 meter limit.
If you made it underground it would only be useful for however long the underground portion is as far as rotations go but I could see the value.

Now that I am looking at it again I think the current should indeed go the whole length of the map. The reason I didn't do that is because I didn't want you shooting creeps from a distance with it, but honestly that should be fine. They get spirit resist anyway.
You know what, it barely needs changed at all for the multi targetting. I just switched out the level 3 ability.
1. Tentacle Snatch
Connect to target enemy within 10 meters.
A tentacle connects you that cannot be stretched beyond it's initial length.
It deals 30dps with 100% lifesteal. Spirit scaling 0.2
If one person pulls on the tentacle then both will be moved that way. If both are moving their speed vectors that would stretch the tentacle cancel out. Whoever moves faster pulls the other.
Cooldown 40.
Duration 5 seconds.
Upgrade 1. -15s cooldown.
Upgrade 2. +30 damage.
Upgrade 3. Targets all enemies within range. You get +50% move speed for each enemy hero attached after the first one.
Though since you can drag people around with it that might get too strong? Or maybe not...
If you're worried about him just having a better Holiday Ultimate, you can always just say it's harder to pull multiple heroes rather than just one, since he'd need more strength to do it, like a multi-person tug-of-war against the world champion. Then he would want to use things like dashes and maybe Surge of Power to get some good leashes off. Even with this nerf, it's still a good ability, and depending on how it interacts with things like teleports and intangibility, it might make Pocket's life actual hell.
If you made it underground it would only be useful for however long the underground portion is as far as rotations go but I could see the value.
Good map knowledge would solve that while making it very efficient, such as using some of the tunnels that lead to Mid Boss. It was just an idea of another place to put it.
If you're worried about him just having a better Holiday Ultimate, you can always just say it's harder to pull multiple heroes rather than just one, since he'd need more strength to do it, like a multi-person tug-of-war against the world champion. Then he would want to use things like dashes and maybe Surge of Power to get some good leashes off. Even with this nerf, it's still a good ability, and depending on how it interacts with things like teleports and intangibility, it might make Pocket's life actual hell.

Good map knowledge would solve that while making it very efficient, such as using some of the tunnels that lead to Mid Boss. It was just an idea of another place to put it.
It's already harder for him to pull multiple people because his total speed is so much less than theirs. By default 2 people would drag him around. Actually one person is probably faster than him but he can drag them around by using his stamina which probably exceeds theirs. I decided to make him +50% faster for each additional person he is pulling to give him a chance of fighting and maybe even overpowering them in the tug of war if they don't have much stamina. Should be a super engaging little tug of war each time he uses it to pull someone out of position. Alternatively he can use it just to keep them close which is where his high damage shotgun will thrive. The area of effect level 3 upgrade is definitely the way to go.

I don't think holiday's ult is interesting anyway. This is much better. Holiday's ult isn't different enough from Mo and Krill's combo to me. It's just a long stun and it's not that much different that it pulls them away and is a little shorter.

I did rework a couple of abilities here. The 1 and 3 abilities are definitely the most well designed here and the ult and currents could use some work. So... I switched them! His currents are now a global ultimate which he activates by clicking a spot on the map and his murky waters are something he splashes on a radius and stay there for a little bit.

2. Murky Waters
Range 8 meters
Radius 4 meters
Cooldown 35 seconds
Splash an area on the ground with turkey water. Enemies who touch the affected area have their vision reduced to 5 meters while touching and for a second after touching the murky Waters.
Those touching the murky water take 30dps. Spirit scaling 0.3
Duration 3 seconds.
Upgrade 1. +25 dps.
Upgrade 2. Cooldown -12s
Upgrade 3. Radius +1.5 meters, duration +1.5 seconds.

4. Undersea Current
Cooldown 110 seconds.
Click on a rail (it will illuminate when hovered over) or another point on the map. If you click a rail it will make a current traveling from one base to the other along the ground under that rail. If you click another spot on the map it will make a current the length of the map horizontally through that point. You and allies gain +3 move speed through currents and regeneration is tripled for up to 5 seconds after touching a current. Attacks entering or passing through currents deal -20% damage.
Radius 4 meters.
Duration 5 seconds.
Upgrade 1. Duration +2 seconds.
Upgrade 2. When an enemy first touches a current they are stunned for 0.5 seconds and take 100 Spirit damage. Scales 2 with spirit.
Upgrade 3. Cooldown -40s. Move speed +1.
It's already harder for him to pull multiple people because his total speed is so much less than theirs. By default 2 people would drag him around. Actually one person is probably faster than him but he can drag them around by using his stamina which probably exceeds theirs. I decided to make him +50% faster for each additional person he is pulling to give him a chance of fighting and maybe even overpowering them in the tug of war if they don't have much stamina. Should be a super engaging little tug of war each time he uses it to pull someone out of position.
Ah, so what I said was already what you had in mind with the AoE effect, then? Waste of words on my end, it seems. Still a unique effect and ability in general.
4. Undersea Current
You worded this spell in an interesting manner. If I understand what you meant, you could use this both slightly before an engage or just for rotations. It grants move speed instead of sprint speed and the damage reduction is effectively bonus resists that also stack with normal resists. It would require you to be inside the Museum to actually be able to make the current cut through, but it's an interesting use if you intended this.
Ah, so what I said was already what you had in mind with the AoE effect, then? Waste of words on my end, it seems. Still a unique effect and ability in general.

You worded this spell in an interesting manner. If I understand what you meant, you could use this both slightly before an engage or just for rotations. It grants move speed instead of sprint speed and the damage reduction is effectively bonus resists that also stack with normal resists. It would require you to be inside the Museum to actually be able to make the current cut through, but it's an interesting use if you intended this.
Yes you should be able to use it for rotations or in a fight. Actually I'm going to modify it again. I dont like that you can be anywhere in the map and save someone with your ult. It is fine if you're across the map but it should require a little interaction on your part at least.

Also big problem. I realized the abilities fit a squid better than a jellyish. The problem comes from the murky waters ability which might as well be named Ink. It doesn't synergize as well as it could anyway. totally replacing that ability. The jellyfish man should have an area he can want to drag his targets. Since he is using stamina to pull them probably instead of hitting them it should be able to ustify his use of stamina for pulling rather than attacking.
2. Savage Bloom
Charges. 9 seconds between charges.
Radius 3 meters (scales 0.05 meters with height fallen).
Cooldown 35s.
Duration 4.
Slam to the ground and create a bloom of constantly electrocuting jellyfish centered on you. Enemies standing in the bloom take 60dps (scales 0.6 with spirit) and have their stamina drained, 1 stamina per second.
You gain the stamina drained as bonus stamina that goes above your maximum.
Upgrade 1. +1 charge
Upgrade 2. 40 DPS
Upgrade 3. Radius +1m. Duration+2s. You gain 50% more bonus stamina.

4. Undersea Current
Cooldown 120 seconds.
Face a direction you want to make make the map-long current, or click on a point on the map to make yourself face towards that point before you cast.
You and allies gain +2 move speed and +2 sprint speed through currents and heal 50 HP per second (scales 0.4 per spirit) while in them. Attacks entering or passing through currents deal -20% damage.
Radius 4 meters.
Duration 5 seconds.
Upgrade 1. Duration +2 seconds.
Upgrade 2. When an enemy first touches a current they are stunned for 0.5 seconds and take 100 Spirit damage. Scales 2 with spirit.
Upgrade 3. Cooldown -30s. Damage dealt -10%.
I fully believe this is my best hero (I think I've made 19?), and even dare I say the best hero idea posted at all. I would really like to see this in the game.

Few notes I would make are:

1. The gun damage given was before the global 10% damage nerf.

2. The damage scaling on Savage Bloom should probably be increased to 0.9, and the stamina drain should be halved because it's a bit much atm.

3. You probably shouldn't be able to click on a point on the map to face that direction for the ult. The farther away you're trying to affect the better you need to understand the map and what you're looking at 200 meters away behind walls. Seems more fun.
Here is the hero made with Deadmock with all the updated abilities throughout this thread. Note that he has a very unique Gun which Deadmock doesn't have the functionality to describe so read the original post for that.Scyphoze-1741459964.png