[Hero Concept] Jackal -- Egyptian Lycanthrope (crude sketch included)


Background: A museum thief who on the night of the Maelstrom was cursed by the spirit of Anubis to instead become a were-jackal protector of magical Egyptian artifacts.



1) Jackal can select any surface in a certain radius from himself and will quickly zip towards it. During this travel period Jackal cannot shoot but can melee. Upon reaching the surface, Jackal will cling to the wall and enter an alternate fire mode where he will fire a torrent of spirits from his staff. Jackal can cancel this mode by pressing the jump key, which will act like a dash-jump in the direction he is facing.

2) Jackal tethers a player character to himself for a short duration, slightly lowering their bullet resistance. While tethered, the tethered character will drastically lose movement speed the further away from Jackal they get. Jackal can also drag the tethered player by moving further away. Can be paired with ability 1.

3) A self-buff that allows Jackal to see the outline of enemy players through walls from a considerable distance within a conal radius. They will also be revealed on the minimap. If the enemy is nearby, Jackal will also slowly siphon health from them over time.

4) Jackal summons a sarcophagus that slams into the ground, popping up nearby enemies and dealing damage. The sarcophagus then opens, pulling in nearby enemies and any soul bubbles. Any soul absorbed by the sarcophagus is doubled and distributed to nearby teammates. Disappears after a short duration.
Great concept.

Ult might be just slightly overloaded doing a knockup + grav + soul deny / confirm.

IMO having the sarcophagus just stun and plun enemies in [in a cone] would be simple and very strong.
Thanks for the kind words, all!

i think the idea in general is nice, but the hat might bring the guy too close to sevens silhouette, maybe put that back into the wardrobe and you could be onto something i'd say

That's fair! I do like the big hat though, so maybe a different hat shape? 🤔 I also imagine him to be a little bit taller and lanky than average and his pose could probably be a bit more hunched than I drew him if that would help.

Great concept.

Ult might be just slightly overloaded doing a knockup + grav + soul deny / confirm.

IMO having the sarcophagus just stun and plun enemies in [in a cone] would be simple and very strong.

You're probably right! It would be a lot of CC considering he already has a CC tool. I would rather scrap the grav than the soul mechanic though -- I wanted the interaction with souls to fit in with his Egyptian/Anubis/afterlife theme.
That's fair! I do like the big hat though, so maybe a different hat shape? 🤔 I also imagine him to be a little bit taller and lanky than average and his pose could probably be a bit more hunched than I drew him if that would help.
Well I am not the one to judge what actually helps and what not haha, but I suspect the game to also have skins sooner or later, which is why (like in League or Overwatch for example) the silhouette and the movement animation are the most critical factors to tell champions apart. So yea I personally think redoing the hat would help, but what do I know lmao
Really cool concept. The third ability seems out of place and under utilized in this kit, but I think the first two abilities in particular are very clever.
Really cool concept. The third ability seems out of place and under utilized in this kit, but I think the first two abilities in particular are very clever.
Hmm, well I imagined the concept as sort of a hunter/opportunist character that is most effective at tracking down and confirming kills on single targets that are trying to run away. I could imagine 2 and 3 being used together in lane to gain an upper hand in close engagements via the lifesteal and bullet resist shred. Then later on in the game you would use 3 to find targets to ambush. The targets would also show up on the minimap for your team, providing a bit of utility. Like imagine spotting an enemy player behind a corner, using 1 to ambush him from an unconventional angle, and 2 to lock him down all while your friendly Mirage is teleporting in to help. But it was the last ability I designed so it is a little more tacked-on than the others admittedly. :LOL: I also was thinking of like an ability to place a moon or paintings of Egypt that he could use as surfaces to cling to, a debuff cleanse, or a blood-rage that would boost his melee and give him additional dashes but I settled on this instead.
Cool concept. Feels a bit like Blood Hunter from HoN with his third ability (Sensing enemies through wall/fog).

I'd be a tad concerned about him dragging people with a combo of his first and second abilities considering that Hooking and dragging heroes is currently Holiday's Ult. The other mechanics are all really interesting and seem to work well though.
Cool concept. Feels a bit like Blood Hunter from HoN with his third ability (Sensing enemies through wall/fog).

I'd be a tad concerned about him dragging people with a combo of his first and second abilities considering that Hooking and dragging heroes is currently Holiday's Ult. The other mechanics are all really interesting and seem to work well though.
It's a bit different from what you're imagining, the tether wouldn't stun or completely disable the hero but rather force them to stay within a certain range from Jackal. They would still be free to shoot, use abilities, and would not have as much of a speed impairment if they stayed within range of him. It's an ability to stop enemies from running, not disable them completely.
It's a bit different from what you're imagining, the tether wouldn't stun or completely disable the hero but rather force them to stay within a certain range from Jackal. They would still be free to shoot, use abilities, and would not have as much of a speed impairment if they stayed within range of him. It's an ability to stop enemies from running, not disable them completely.
Blood Hunter doesn't actually stop people from moving, though that is kind of what I gathered of what you were having them do. I think Blood Hunter's Ult might actually be a really good concept here though.

Blood Hunter's Ult is a DoT that deals pretty small damage if the target stands still, but they take more damage the more they move. This will result in people outright killing themselves to try to get away if they're bad, or just waiting out the ult if they're good. (BH doesn't hit particularly hard, but not being able to run is pretty bad in and of itself if he has a decent team to back him).

He also has a passive that reveals anyone on the map below a certain percentage of health, so that's where I felt the similarities come in to play.

I could see a similar ability that actually does more damage to the target the further from a tether point they are (or further from the hero) and they take a burst of damage for leaving the tether range.
Blood Hunter doesn't actually stop people from moving, though that is kind of what I gathered of what you were having them do. I think Blood Hunter's Ult might actually be a really good concept here though.

Blood Hunter's Ult is a DoT that deals pretty small damage if the target stands still, but they take more damage the more they move. This will result in people outright killing themselves to try to get away if they're bad, or just waiting out the ult if they're good. (BH doesn't hit particularly hard, but not being able to run is pretty bad in and of itself if he has a decent team to back him).

He also has a passive that reveals anyone on the map below a certain percentage of health, so that's where I felt the similarities come in to play.

I could see a similar ability that actually does more damage to the target the further from a tether point they are (or further from the hero) and they take a burst of damage for leaving the tether range.
Ooooh, okay gotcha. Deadlock is my first MOBA so I'm not too familiar with what's been done in other games in the genre. A different version of the ability that works like you described it would fit too!