Hero Concept: Bunjin


New member
Bunjin, a large macho man gym bro with a mohawk, carrying a minigun. Disrupts fights, soaks damage and flexes on enemies.

Primary: Repeated minigun fire.

1st Ability - Dumbbell.
- Bunjin throws a dumbbell which slows an enemy hit and deals spirit damage.
- The dumbbell can ricochet off of terrain, which increases it's slow duration and damage.
(1 Point - Projectile speed is increased
2 Point - Base damage and slow is increased.
5 Point - Bunjin's dumbbell stuns when ricochet'd off terrain.

2nd Ability - Run
- Bunjin charges forward, granting himself movement speed. On contact with an enemy, knock them away and deal damage.

3rd Ability - Charge
- Bunjin charges, and then slaps the ground, stunning enemies in an area in front of him and dealing spirit damage. Both the stun duration and spirit damage scale with Bunjin's charge-time.

4th Ability - Flex
- Fishbunjin flexes, taunting enemies in a radius around his model. Fishbunjin is granted stacks of increased bullet armor and spirit defense that increases with the amount of enemy characters hitting him, up to five.

I don't have any points for the last three abilities, but I'm sure Valve will add them when they add this character to the game. Thanks.