Hero Concept - Anomoly


New member
Friend of paradox also uses time skills but different.

Gun short range smg with wide spread, similar to ivy. Character should be a duelist or engage character.

1 - Stasis Shot. Shoot a projectile like paradox swap, first enemy or teammate hit is put in stasis for 2 stasis. They are stunned, they cannot take or deal dmg. Basically stunned and frozen, regen timer doesnt activate. It can allow you to block dmg for a teammate, or to close gaps on an enemy.
T1 - unsure maybe cdr, open to suggestions
T2 - enemies hit with the burst have negative healing amp or teammates have positive healing amp for a short time upon leaving stasis (akin to healing booster but not as much)
T3 - unleash a burst of spirit dmg in an aeo after character leaves stasis (does not dmg stasis character). This protects your character or prevents enemies from fully being able to protect their teammate

2 - Space warp. Teleport forward a short distance (slightly longer than warp stone, similar in function). Leave a space warp that pulses like paradox bomb 3 times dealing x spirit dmg. Starts with a single charge.
T1 - +1 charge
T2 - +1 pulse
T3 - bullet dmg amp after warp.

3 - Damage warp. All incoming dmg in a cone from character (cannot stop dmg from behind for example ) for 1 second is absorbed and then released in a linear projectile dealing spirit dmg. Can be used defensively or to win duels.
T1 - +1 second absorb time.
T2 - projectile can pierce enemies.
T3 - decrease hit enemy bullet resist after warp for 3 seconds

4 - Stasis Chamber. Create a circle/ dome like kelvin but you can go in and out of it. You cannot deal damage in out of the circle (inside to inside can deal dmg). Anyone in the circle cannot go below 25% health. 120 second cooldown. Regen and resist for higher tiers scale with spirit dmg.
T1 - increased regen for teammates in the circle.
T2 - 25% bullet resist for teammates in the circle.
T3 - enemies slowed when leaving the circle.

Please let me know what you all think! I'm fairly new to this so feedback is appreciated and welcome.