Haze is way too powerful

This has been my experience recently as well.
She will dominate any game where she manages to get a few kills early, and it takes so much to shut her down.
I got caught in her Bullet Dance while using Viscous Goo Ball the other day, which gives 60% bullet resist and 70% spirit resist + having both upgraded resistance items and she just melted through all that defence in seconds.
I'm guessing there will be a nerf to her soon.
Haze is late game carry who in fact very weak at beginning due to lack of harassing skills and low hp so unless you're solo lane against her with slow bullets hero she's very easy to kill, she also requires multiple 6,3k items from all tress to perform godly.

In this match most of you didn't have advanced bullet armor and escalating resilience which is already huge failure on your part, nor knockdown or curse when she didn't have unstoppable lol, not to mention items like mystic slow or healbane.

I launched replay thinking she's cheater only to see Vindicta absolutely sucking in laning phase and have half of Haze's souls in 6mins, like 0 fucking denying or finishing souls, absolutely tragic display. Not to mention Vindicta sitting on souls instead of buying items lol.

By 7:30 when Haze kills Vindicta she had 8 items to V's 3 lol.

Then Vindicta in classic fashion started to feed Haze and at 11mins Haze had most farm while Vindicta least.

Then Pocket tried to salvage situation on lane but Vindicta had 0 pressure so together they couldn't do anything anyway. That's despite Haze's team having 4 feeders at that point.

This whole time Haze farmed EVERYTHING from creeps to jungle lol.

At 17 min she had twice everyone's farm, while Vindicta still the least, that was GG.

Gotta say he was amazing at farm or everyone else sucked at farm since every jungle was alive.
I usually always bring Metal skin so I can't say I've ever had issues with her.
Generally the ones I've played against have no health items only life steal and shoot dmg. So the 3.5 seconds from Metal skin is enough to jump into her ult and kill her as she's a sitting duck.
Haze is one of the most gimped DPS in the game. A slight breeze will knock her out of her Ultimate yet her Dagger does absolutely nothing to stop other hero's Ultimates. Every game she gets hard focused and insta-deleted. Just spam stuns and it's an easy kill. This game should literally be called Stunlock instead of Deadlock, it's more fitting.
I find Haze a very strange hero. Her ultimate is very situational for sure - it's pretty easy to cancel her out of it before it does significant damage. She deals very little damage in the early game, but ironically has by far the best guns in the game - making it trivial to dominate economy with her unless harassed.

She is also pretty divisive under high mmr players. She might be a lot stronger than she was initially given credit for.
Any stun effect works so like half of heroes have one, that's until Haze gets unstoppable but at that point you kinda fucked up and your team needs mystic slow and inhibitor and team coordination to kill her.
I guess she is also quite immobile whilst ulting. have played her a couple times where people have escaped my ult range, even with slows
It's not that Haze is too powerful (plenty of items and heroes that effectively counter her), it's that the character is the most popular among aimbot users. Oftentimes you don't notice it, but on some occasions it's quite obvious. Check this out as example:
In a game yesterday, Haze was my teammate during the early laning phase. I've played this game for over 200 hours, spending a lot of time predicting enemy positions and aiming splash skills. After I had reduced the health of two enemies by more than half, Haze stepped in, landed a sleep dart, and effortlessly took the kills. Just like that, Haze killed the two enemies twice, quickly becoming the player with the highest spirits on the team. This shows that Haze isn’t weak in the early game either. While enemies hit by Haze’s sleep dart can move once attacked, they become much easier to aim at, and since Haze's bullets travel at high speed, it's very easy to deal significant damage.
In a game yesterday, Haze was my teammate during the early laning phase. I've played this game for over 200 hours, spending a lot of time predicting enemy positions and aiming splash skills. After I had reduced the health of two enemies by more than half, Haze stepped in, landed a sleep dart, and effortlessly took the kills. Just like that, Haze killed the two enemies twice, quickly becoming the player with the highest spirits on the team. This shows that Haze isn’t weak in the early game either. While enemies hit by Haze’s sleep dart can move once attacked, they become much easier to aim at, and since Haze's bullets travel at high speed, it's very easy to deal significant damage.
It doesn't show that at all. Being able to kill enemies who have "half health" left after being harassed by you constitutes no argument in that regard.

Haze is very easily bullied under the tower as she has no real means to trade with any form of poking. Prime examples include lanes like Wraith or Infernus vs Haze - where the latter is constantly in need to break LOS to even survive.
So somehow Haze landed knife on 2 idiots that didn't anticipate her and didn't quickly dash into cover after getting hit by it like they should have. That just proves you have played against terrible opponents not that Haze is OP, especially that her knife has 20s cd so both of them werent healing in that time either....
The hero win rate data is clear at a glance. Seven and Haze are both at the top, and the two snipers are at the bottom.
I too love severally outdated data as a proof from sites that were killed on 2nd Sep by Valve lol.

Either way you're right, they're top heroes... in low to negative mmr bracket lol.