Harpoon/Lasso - Short Range Gap Closer Item


New member
In DotA, there is an item called Harpoon. It is a short range gap closer for melee heroes.

I feel like we need something for Deadlock. Not only for the melee heroes, but also for the heroes who enjoy staying on your ass but lack mobility (like McGinnus or Ivy)

Vitality Item
20M Range
30+ sec CD

3000 - 6300

+180 Bonus Health
+10 Spirit Power
+10% Weapon Damage
+10% Melee Damage

Uses 2 stamina
Leashes the enemy to you to 0.5 secs

Targets an enemy hero and pulls you both to a middle point between the 2 characters (If they are 15M away, it pull you both 7.5M so you meet in the middle)
You cannot dash or jump for 2.5 secs after use (Without this it will make Melee heroes like Abrams way too oppressive)
We already have Disable and blink item i dont remember which tier. And this will counter flying and high speed heroes which is really bad for them. At this point its too toxic.