[Hardware] Multiple KVM switches broke during gameplay


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KVM Switch used - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B72P2DBG?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1

General Config:
Channel 1 - (keyboard, mouse, monitor)
Channel 2 - Misc. Device (Nintendo Switch or other)

On KVM switch (#1) using config above the entire channel 1 stopped working. Keyboard, Mouse, video, audio, etc. all cut out.

Diagnosis - channel 1 was essentially blown out - no visible damage - just stopped working

Replacement KVM switch (#2) using the same config above - channel 1 has been cutting out repeatedly (keyboard, mouse, video). Requiring manual switch back to channel 1. Once we learned to toggle back to channel 2 as things cutout the game audio was cut permanently for multiple matches (general pc audio was ok - i.e. discord, web browser, etc.)

Diagnosis - channel 1 again having similar issues. Not blown out but having lasting effects where channel switching changes randomly and cutouts occur often.

KVM switch #1 was 1.5 years old and has worked perfectly with every other game, application, etc.
KVM switch #2 was 1 day old and was working normally until we launched Deadlock then same issues/symptoms showed almost immediately.