Gun/ability tie in concept


New member
What if a hero had a gun that did half the dmg on proc and then the other half procs a few seconds later, with an ability similar to mirage 3 to instant proc it. or like old corki passive from league and make it so half there bullet dmg is spirit but make there abilities do weapon dmg while retaining spirit scalings. i enjoy the guns in the game but would like to see more creative guns rather than jus having some peoples guns be shotguns, full auto, or burst, stuff like magicians card throwing is super cool and would be interesting to see more of.
primary fire - launch incomplete spells that deal one half of the damage then the other in quick succession, completing the spell.

1 - for a duration your attacks reduce enemy spirit for each hit and mark them. fires a bolt at the nearest enemy and all marked enemies to deal aoe damage.
primary fire - launch incomplete spells that deal one half of the damage then the other in quick succession, completing the spell.

1 - for a duration your attacks reduce enemy spirit for each hit and mark them. fires a bolt at the nearest enemy and all marked enemies to deal aoe damage.
yeah maybe the hero is like a missile user who's gun is like a laser targeting gun so it does a quick zap and marks then u press 1 to launch missiles for the marks