guardian grieves from Dota 2


- have it a upgrade from debuff reducer
- active item acts as a team cleanse
- t4 item that cost 9k/10k |

this adds a counter play for your team against characters that have massive debuff like pocket instead of everyone on your team having to build debuff reducer and or unstoppable
yo, stop over here. its not dota 2. it should have no similarities with dota what so ever because what the point of the new game then.
yo, stop over here. its not dota 2. it should have no similarities with dota what so ever because what the point of the new game then.
Team based objective games with item shops are always going to have some design crossover; that's basics. Same goes for fighting games. You always have a similar design language because of the kind of games they are. Existing analogs are useful as a starting point for design just as much as new ideas. And both have to be tweaked or adjusted to the actual game, so just saying "don't make it like dota 2 because it's not dota 2" feels discouraging to the discussion for no reason.

That aside, I think a team cleanse is a cool idea, if not a little situational on the surface. I'd need more incentive to buy something as expensive as this, such as refilling everyone's spirit/bullet shields, or adding an extra one. Besides Pocket's ult and Mo's disarming sand, I don't regularly find myself feeling like there needs to be a mass cleanse option, so I think something else should be on this to sweeten the pot.
- have it a upgrade from debuff reducer
- active item acts as a team cleanse
- t4 item that cost 9k/10k |

this adds a counter play for your team against characters that have massive debuff like pocket instead of everyone on your team having to build debuff reducer and or unstoppable
Maybe you meant meca, cause we don’t have mana in this game :P