Griefers Refused To End Game And More - Video Included


New member
TLDR: Held hostage by salty comm banned teammates who refused to help end game for almost an hour, example in video.

Wall of text!

Got matched with griefers/trolls, called them out on it at the end of the game and reported them all.

Then got matched with them all the very next game and they doubled down.

I think they got comm banned from the previous game bc none of them used actual comms the entire game according to the replay download, they used text chat a ton in the previous game. Why are we letting people with comm bans play non-bot matches? This game requires good team coordination and not being paired with people who are not able to communicate or abuse communications (chat wheel) and are possible trolls is a huge disadvantage.

Two of them came to my lane to deny me souls via the new soul splitting mechanic which kneecapped me early on.

They spammed chat wheel communications all game and would follow me and my lane duo Tbagging.

They would only clear minions if they got near our base and would not push the enemy base, instead clearing jungle or just sitting in spawn.

We won two teamfights that resulted in one total team wipe and one 5 man wipe and the two of them went and sat in spawn instead of trying to end.

Lane duo and I left the game at 60 minutes when it was overtly, indisputably obvious that they were just trying to get to us and had no intention of ending the game. Neither of us got a cooldown though, yay! We should have left earlier, there's practically no punishment for leaving right now lol, lesson learned and will do that way sooner next time.

Attached video is of Seven and Haze not actually trying to end (they kill a inhib then leave and sit in spawn spamming comm wheels) after a teamwipe at midboss. Haze sat in spawn for nearly a whole minute (51:22 - 53:16) and paused for no reason. Seven sat and walked back and forth in spawn for nearly two whole minutes (51:54 - 53:51). This is only one such example of their shinanigans.

Let me know what you think!

Rant over! Happy Thanksgiving! Cheers!

