A Complete Beginner's Guide to EVERYTHING in Deadlock (2-hour video)


New member

I'm Reinforce, an Overwatch content creator who's been loving Deadlock!

Given that Deadlock is one of the most complicated games I've ever played and with the influx of new players who are not familiar with the game or the genre I decided to put together a video guide that details everything you need to know. This includes all the game elements in its most basic form. The goal is that after this video you will have a complete understanding of all mechanics within the game rather than be left with questions of what things are or what they do.

The guide covers everything related to:
· Basic Player UI
· Movement & Damage
· Last-hitting and basic laning
· Game objectives
· Map objectives (jungling, runes, destructibles etc.)
· Mid-boss and its rewards
· Shop & Items
· Heroes, attributes, and basic overview
· Quick showcase of all Deadlock heroes and what they do

Some numbers will have been slightly updated in recent patches, but this should cover everything in general!

If you have any questions feel free to ask here or you'll find me in #new-player-help on Discord!
