Got stuck in falling animation


New member
I got bebop hooked (skill 1?) and dynamo knocked up (skill 1) at the same time, then I got stuck in falling animation. I wasn't able to roll after getting stuck in the animation, only air dash. Restarting and rejoining didn't fix it but getting ulted by dynamo fixed it. Match ID 17876587 .
Happened at minute 11:55 - 12:00
Not sure how exactly it happend, but somehow ended up in the same pos as Lash.

Even restarting the game and rejoining didn't fix it. Not sure if others were able to see it. I didn't see anyone else comment on it at least.

Match Id: 18119874

Videos (for some reason, OBS + this game on X11 causes exteme lag. Just iugnore it. The heavy tearing was not visible for me.):
View attachment 2024-09-28 14-10-09.mp4
View attachment 2024-09-28 14-02-27.mp4
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Same thing happened to me, also likely from a bebop hook. I didn't move mid ult when he hooked me and I didn't have any item that would make me unmovable, but it put me in that animation until he hooked me again a few minutes later. Death didn't fix it, or jumping on the zipline. The video is from the perspective of the Pocket in the game. I think it impaired my movement and definitely made it hard to aim


I also had this problem several days ago, and just finished a match in which one of my teammates (random person) experienced it after a Mirage tornado. I'm not sure if mine was spurred on by Mirage, I believe it was Lash or Bebop that caused it. I was able to shoot and use abilities somewhat, but could not dash (and of course was in this very compromising position) the rest of the match. Very inhibiting and frustrating bug - it did not fix itself after relaunching the game entirely either.

Match 17649176
