Good Matchmaking Thread


Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a good job at. If you can explain what you felt was was good in it that would be helpful as well.

Thanks for helping the devs

This was, I felt, a close match. Although, the other team lacked the co-ordination to push into our base; there would always be one or two people doing there own thing. Never-the-less it would be painful for us to push their base, as every time we did we would get pushed back and some of us would die.

In the end, they had both our shrines, but we were simply able to get their patron down quicker. It's interesting to see that our team had 15 more assists but about the same amount of kills.

This match was a joy to play. Even the supposed new people held there own against each other. Me and Abrams seemed to have led the team well, I mostly tried to support them if they pushed too fa, and it was likely the same story on the other team.

After the match everyone commended each other too, which was cool.
I haven't had a good match since the last patch. I wish that was hyperbole, but it's been nothing but stomps and leavers, leavers and stomps. I'm not having fun with this game anymore.
Matchmaking after 11-21-2024 patch improved significantly for me. The skill levels of both teams and players in each team are more in-tune, resulting in less win/loss swings while climbing up the ranks. The new ranking system seems more consistent too, compared to previous ranked experience.
Played quite a few games recently - 65 hours online over the last two weeks.
Although there were a few one-sided games, the vast majority of matches have been great.
Regardless if I play duo, trio or full 6 stack, matchmaking has been consistently working well and I'm enjoying the matches a lot right now.
This is EU region.
Just curious. Anybody else playing solo with mm_prefer_solo_only set to true? I play that and have extremly bad match-making, but see a general trend of people that play group matches having a much better experience.

Is this flag even working (devs some time ago said no and that they need to fix it, but don't know if they ever did).
Can it be that this flag is limiting the playerbase too much? I have multiple games in Arcanist where totally new players are matched in my team (admitted by them), which totally does not make sense
Matchmaking after 11-21-2024 patch improved significantly for me. The skill levels of both teams and players in each team are more in-tune, resulting in less win/loss swings while climbing up the ranks. The new ranking system seems more consistent too, compared to previous ranked experience.
Is this a joke? There's currently no way to see how the various skill badges even relate to one another, and the player is provided with zero feedback on when/if ranks change. The only way this could be considered consistent is if it's considered consistently bad.

Not to mention, equally skilled teams might as well be a unicorn sighting for the vast majority of players. It just isn't happening.
Is this a joke? There's currently no way to see how the various skill badges even relate to one another, and the player is provided with zero feedback on when/if ranks change. The only way this could be considered consistent is if it's considered consistently bad.

Not to mention, equally skilled teams might as well be a unicorn sighting for the vast majority of players. It just isn't happening.
Defos, the matches I posted are probably less than 1% of the games I play. It really sucks rn and I feel like hoping for good MMR is like praying to a deity.

Even though it looks like a stomp, it wasn't. We stole the rejuvinator (because I had fully upped telekinesis), won the ensuing team fight, then proceeded to demolish their base. We got their patron down and didn't retreat; queue our half health, no charges team getting destroyed in the pit when they respawned at full. Though, I think a lot of us were expecting a reduced respawn time not realizing the different levels of it.

Mid-boss is ignored in most of the games I've played recently, so I guess people don't know about it or don't need it because the match is already a stomp. One side doesn't need it, the other side can't get it. Same with the urn.

Well, this game was different. I just wish we pulled out in time. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
That's the problem. Since the queues merged I haven't had a good match. Before the merge I would have balanced games that were really close and down to a single pick tipping the scales. Win or lose that shit was fun. Now, I'm either stomping the enemy team or I'm matched with people who clearly shouldn't be in my MMR and get destroyed.

I don't enjoy going into a team fight and getting 4 kills on people. At the same time when I'm fighting a solo lane and I hear kill after kill too far for me to help in laning phase just to get stomped by this shit


It's not fun. I've 350 hours in the game now and I am seriously starting to lose my enjoyment. The matches are always stomps one side or the other but they've slowed the game so much with patron health etc that it still takes forever to get a match over with. It's just turning into slow ass dota 3rd person edition. So, it's agonizing when you're winning because you can't just end it and it's agonizing when you're losing because it won't end. I'd say in 6-7 out of 10 games there's a leaver now too so you have to suffer the beatdown until the match is considered abandoned.

I love valve, and Yoshi has been great but they have seriously fucked MMR since the merge.
я ваш рот ебал разрабы конченые, хотите банте, похую долбюаебы сука. Как может блядь закидывать игрока с 600 часами вместе с 3 мя часами, который даже не знает какие ему кнопки нажимать. Вы сука конченые, ебанаты сука, тупые. из 30 игр 28 проебано. ДЕЛЕТ ГАЙМ УЕБКИ
ВАЛВ ХУЕТА ЕБАНАЯ, Я ВАШ РОТ ЕБАЛ. УШЕЛ из кс, потому что там хуева гора читеров, тут же выблядки разрабы, ну в принципе как и там. залупу вам на воротник, мандавошки ебаные.
This was a weird one. I went back and forth on whether this should go in good or bad matchmaking. Simply going off of stats it doesn't look like it would be good, but it ended up feeling very even late-game.
Look at the team average MMR. For reference I am Ritualist 1, so that's kind of odd.


idk man

That's the problem. Since the queues merged I haven't had a good match. Before the merge I would have balanced games that were really close and down to a single pick tipping the scales. Win or lose that shit was fun. Now, I'm either stomping the enemy team or I'm matched with people who clearly shouldn't be in my MMR and get destroyed.

I don't enjoy going into a team fight and getting 4 kills on people. At the same time when I'm fighting a solo lane and I hear kill after kill too far for me to help in laning phase just to get stomped by this shit

View attachment 32813

It's not fun. I've 350 hours in the game now and I am seriously starting to lose my enjoyment. The matches are always stomps one side or the other but they've slowed the game so much with patron health etc that it still takes forever to get a match over with. It's just turning into slow ass dota 3rd person edition. So, it's agonizing when you're winning because you can't just end it and it's agonizing when you're losing because it won't end. I'd say in 6-7 out of 10 games there's a leaver now too so you have to suffer the beatdown until the match is considered abandoned.

I love valve, and Yoshi has been great but they have seriously fucked MMR since the merge.
I'm struggling to want to play at all right now. I LOVED this game, but it just isn't fun anymore. I have tons of hours in it.