Goalie hero that reflects ranged projectiles

Tried to make a hero that helps deal with the dominance of the ranged snipers

1 ability- Puts up a 90ish degree wall whatever direction he's facing for 0.3s. Kind of like monkey kings mischief but reflects it back in the same direction to where he is aiming
2 ability - kicks a ball that bounces a few times and stuns people, has an arc so it's harder to aim long range
3 ability - slide tackles in a straight line, upon connecting does a 2 second stun. can be used aerial, scales with movespeed or amount of air dashes used before activating. farther distance = more damage as well
4 ability (ultimate) - Jumps to a teammate and does a 360 degree save for 2 seconds against all ranged damage. Upon ending, it gives a temporary bonus amount of hp for 5 seconds split between the saved and goalie scaling on damage taken (150%, 200%, 250%)